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Droit Fondamental


Tiny Mast, mother of a murdered little girl and a still missing little boy. Here, her emotion as she meets Marcel Vervloesem of the NGO Werkgroep Morkhoven in a congress. He discovered the Zandvoort file in 1998 and the first elements which gave light on what has happened to her children. He is the symbol of courage and abnegation, in a fight of the paedocriminal networks, which is neither more, nor less than to expose the evidences that justice does not pretend to see.

Dossier Childfocus


No networks in Europe, according to Child Focus

The study ordered by the European Union to Childfocus does not say a single word on the cases Zandvoort and its 93.081 victims; Cathedral and its million evidence; Hamlet and its half million pictures of child pornography, nor the least network which has made the international headlines. It reveals the striking 2002 statistics, recognised quasi non-existent.

The Council of Europe will thus be able to make excellent recommendations on the fight of isolated predators and criminals who haphazardly prostitute children: those of which in Belgium are said to be "stepping in Nihoul' flower beds".

Belgian situation: will the continuation be voted next Sunday?

In 1998 - when Werkgroep Morkhoven gave justice the archives of the Zandvoort network - the Belgian law was amended to make it possible to the prosecutors to close an investigation according to directives' of the Minister for justice and the Attorney Generals, with the reason "that it was impossible to prosecute all the repported cases".

The magistrates could thus reproduce the Dutroux case without incurring prosecution, so the study of the epidemiologic data on missing and sexually exploited children in Europe reveals:

"In Belgium, application (of the law) is made by the principle of expediency or opportunity. This means that the public prosecutor has full discretion to decide whether or not to prosecute a case. (...) Until 1998, this principle was not provided in the Belgian legislation. Article 28 quarter of the Code of Criminal law stipulates now that the public prosecutor, taking into account the guidelines of the criminal policy of the minister of justice and the board of prosecutor generals decides over the opportunity of the prosecution."

Laurette Onkelinx, Minister of Justice, and her Attorney Generals, would thus have decided, in full legality and discretion, to keep completely out of mind the 93.081 victims of Zandvoort, the Louf case, the Nihoul/Q8 case, the Nihoul/Nigeria case and so many others!

The Childfocus solution

The only danger likely to harm the paedophile networks remained the civil organisations, such as those of the Werkgroep Morkhoven. "Real Taliban", some say. "Manage to beat them is really difficult. They don't have salary, do everything free of charge, and they only have taste and pleasure in fighting for their cause".

Childfocus, who hid from the Council of Europe the existence of those organisations, though blessed by victims, attempts to eliminate them by recommending:

"Private persons cannot put themselves in the place of a police service. The processing of data for purpose of investigation has an unlawful purpose (sic). Besides, the storage of information concerning suspects of sexual offences reported by a private person in view of passing it on to law enforcement could be acceptable. Naturally, these requirement need to be provided for by a clear and legal obligation or authorization."


Besides the remarkable amalgam between "purpose of investigation" and "unlawful purpose", the Council of Europe should thus find a solution to repeal the basis of any democracy: the laws which oblige the private persons to put themselves in the place of the police when a situation requires the assistance to a person in danger, and the laws that prohibit to let anyone to murder or rape another without intervening. No one will be able to testify of a crime without a "clear and legal obligation or authorization" ? Il will also be necessary to repeal the laws related to the freedom of enterprise and the freedom of research, therefore of instruction, in absence of contractual agreement with the state.

Childfocus had the tact to write the study paid by Europe for Europe, in American (whose spelling varies from English). "The pdf will be available online shortly, please visit us again by later", says the Childoscope site for the last three years. In Belgium, the book is only accessible at the library of the European Parliament, so that Europeans cannot have access to a work paid 200.000-euro by their taxes, only by paying it an extra 65-euro to Childfocus.

Shouldn't the European Union insist that Childfocus publish the complete study on line? Meanwhile, the Foundation Princess of Croÿ asks the Italian Taliban, a study on the possibility that there are no accessible statistics in Italy.

Site de la Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti Site du Werkgroep Morkhoven (3) ONG UNION Inscription News letter SOS-Bambini Site d'Alain Fauvage SOS Antipligio Novara Telephono Antiplagio Bambibi AncoraRCHF Droit parentaux Site personel de la Princesse Jacqueline Voir le site de Pédopitchoun

Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse: postmaster@droitfondamental.eu

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