To all the doctors of hospital St John of Bruges
Please don't let Marcel Vervloesem die without the confort of his family and friends. Please call us as soon as he arrives, even in the middle of the night.
Tél.: 02 537 49 97.
Marcel Vervloesem:
Health care and defence of a political prisoner in Belgium chronology
Jeudi 9 Mars 2009 - Jacqueline de Croÿ
Marcel Vervloesem, activist of the Belgian NGO Werkgroep Morkhoven, discovered and exposed the file of the paedocriminal network Zandvoort, with more than 100.000 photographs of child pornography, tortures and murder. Belgian justice answered by an assembly to imprison him, showing him as the "unique criminal" of the network. He is deprived of the health care on which his life depends.
NB: French version more complete. All letters to the authorities supposed to guarantee the application of fundamental rights, videos, etc will be published soon. The chronology is updated at each new event.
2005 - Prison of Turnhout - illegal preventive detention. Refusal to send him in a detention centre with infirmary during twenty-two days of a hunger strike, though the regulation obliges it after ten days. He is woken every quarter of an hour "to see if he is not dead", according to Laurette Onkelincks ministry of justice.
He is released without being advised of a cancer, which will develop three metastases. This cancer will guarantee his death in prison.
September 5, 2008, he knocks at the door of the prison without infirmary of Turnhout, where he is invited to spend 4 years, in violation of 9/9 doctor's advises, including the legal expert. He starts a hunger and thirst strike asking the respect of the constitutional rights of the victims and witnesses of paedocriminal network. The Ministry for Justice opposes to his hospitalization ordered by the doctor of the prison on the fifth day. PUBLICATION: Murder of a Flemish hero - D-day 14:10 - countdown
September 10, 2008. 32 days of isolation in a medical cell of the Bruges prison. He continues the hunger strike. He is only given boiling water, which is known in Africa to cause pain on an empty stomach, but usefull for sliming. The pain prevents him from drinking more than four cups water per day, then only two cups, whereas the hunger strike requires three litres of water per day. PUBLICATION: Murder of a Flemish hero: censure. The censure is applied manu militari. The police force of Turnhout intervened within three minutes, armed to he teeth, to stop the photographic report of an action in front of his prison.
September 14, 2008. PUBLICATION: The lies of the assassins
September 24, 2008. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem: little chance of survival
September 30, 2008. Stop of to the hunger strike.
Octobre 1, 2008. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem stops the hunger strike to continue the fight
October 7, 2008. Last letter of Marcel Vervloesem before he fell into coma PUBLICATION: Science of human limits. He is maintained eight extra days in isolation, without doctor's visit or protocol of hydration, until he falls into a coma.
October 8, 2008. Question 07 by Zoé Genot to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice and Institutional Reforms on the disappearance of cd-roms child pornography "(No. 7191) Third transfer. First secret hospitalisation. He is sent to the intensive care of the university hospital St John of Bruges, without warning his family, as guaranteed by the regulation. He is admitted strictly the time to reanimate and hydrate him, but not to unblock his kidneys or to make the health care protocol for his cancer, ordered by the doctor of the Turnhout prison.
October 10, 2008. Fourth transfer. Isolation leave. He is brought back to the infirmary of Bruges prison, in a normal cell.
October 13, 2008. PUBLICATION: Coma & parliamentary question
October 14, 2008. Fifth transfer. Dr Proot negotiates his return to the prison of Turnhout, with promise which he will be treated at the hospital St Elisabeth. He is imprisoned in the cell d' insulation 92, on a mattress with very the ground, private of all his medications for 2 days.
October 16, 2008. Sixth transfer. A prisoner offers to him to divide his cell. The prison n' is not supplied regularly out of insulin. His sugar rate in the blood fluctuates from 40% to 420% of the standard. The blocking of his kidneys cause retention of water. He receives for sole treatment, a cream for his skin that has cracked under the tension and formed a wound. The head warden ensures that his health condition does not require a hospitalization.
November 1, 2008. Seventh transfer. Second secret hospitalization. He is sent in a medical ambulance to the intensive care of hospital St Elisabeth, with 24 palpitations per minute. He is shackled to the bed. The doctors discover two damaged cardiac valves and a leukaemia. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem back in intensive care: Italy hopes to help him
November 5, 2008. Eighth transfer. He is returned secretly to the infirmary of the Bruges prison, in a new cell, with two other prisoners. The "Bruges Guantanamo" defray the newspapers, for the treatments of prisoners in high security section. His lawyer promises him to launch a legal procedure against the Belgian state.
November 6, 2008. PUBLICATION: Italian NGO delegation will meet Marcel Vervloesem today
November 10, 2008. PUBLICATION: Italian NGOs treated as terrorists
November 16, 2008. Letter of Dr Gagliardi to Amnesty International. Remains unanswered.
November 17, 2008 - euthanasia - invitation to suicide. A doctor of the hospital St Erasmus, designated to study his request for euthanasia, answers him that he just needed to stop his medication while continuing to eat normally to die in ten days.
November 18, 2008. Ninth transfer. The prison of Bruges reorganizes its infirmary, with two separate sections. One is intended to the prisoners in revalidation, the other is shared between the prisoners whose mental state did not survive the detention conditions, and the diabetics. Marcel is from then, baned from all contact with prisoners able to have a normal conversation. His cell mate mumbles day and night and slack his own excrements everywhere. It is the decision of the doctor, says a nurse in a giggle. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem: euthanasia at the medico-legal extermination block - AVERAGE OF ONE DETAINEE DIES PER WEEK IN BELGIAN PRISONS
November 19, 2008. Tenth transfer. Third secret hospitalization. Operation n°1. He signs a refusal of any medication and a discharge. Dr Proot negotiates the suicide against a cardiac catheterization with at the hospital St John of Bruges. His survival requires two open-heart operations, according to the doctors. He is brought back the very same day in the same cell, "cleaned" of the excrements.
November 21/23, 2008. Eleventh transfer. Fourth secret hospitalization. Surgical operations n° 2, 3 & 4. The cardiac catheterization caused an internal bleeding. A blood analysis reveals a greater urgency to operate the kidneys. The haemorrhage is compressed in the meantime. The two surgeries are done in 24 hours. The fourth intervention consists in plugging a pipe into his neck to facilitate the injections. He is dialysed until he recovers 40% of his renal capacity.
November 23, 2008. Proteste to Prof. Dilstelmans of the euthanasia commission remains unanswered. (In French).
November 27-29, 2008. PUBLICATION Insufficient Belgian education as regard of the prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment for Marcel Vervloesem - Letter of M.V.
December 1, 2008. Twelfth transfer. Fifth secret hospitalization. Operation n° 5 & 6. Dr. Vande Casteel refuses to return him to the prison of Bruges after a dialysis. He wakes-up in a blood bath. Two operations will be necessary. One for the haemorrhage, the other to chop-him off flesh and bone ruined by gangrene, which leaves him a hole of the size of half of its fist in the groin. He is shackled by a foot, 24 hours on 24, my he be in a wheelchair, is fixed on a kidney machine, on the stretcher and before the operations, while he is put under general anaesthesia. Two warders are assigned to a constant presence, including when he is naked on the operating table, as well as the night under electric light, because they cannot remain in the dark. The shackles wound his foot, which is put in a boot of bandage.
December 8, 2009. Exhausted by the torture, he asks to return to the prison, to be able to sleep. He is maintained in the cell for "diabetics".
December 13, 2009. PUBLICATION: [1] Shackled in a blood bath: gangrene [2] 89 violations of the Council of Europe recommendations in 3 months prison. He is transfused 3 litres of blood at a rate of ½ litres per day during 6 days. His is allotted an apparatus to regenerate a skin on the flesh of the open wound left by the gangrene operation. He cannot have it long enough to close the wound, which continues to bleed. He is granted an insulin pump to regularize the sugar rate in the blood.
December 21, 2008. Negotiation of the surgeries. Marcel refuses the open-heart operations, feeling unable to survive the tortures endured during his last hospitalization. Dr. Proot negotiates them at three weeks interval, unbounded hospitalization for the revalidation, without shackle, nor electric light 24 hours a day. He asks the withdrawal an article on Internet, raising questions about the non-right zone of hospital St John, with precise indications: the article with the photographs of the two doctors. Dr Van Mol would be trying to repport the responsability on Dr Proot an the lawyer Jespers, though the parole for health reasons would depend on him. The link is disconnected and market is concluded (index-page-009.htm)
January 3, 2009. Dr Van mol refuses the release on parole for health reason. He assures that all his health issues are of his own fault, even claiming he is a smoker to explain his heart condition, based on the fact that the social contacts in the prison infirmary are only allowed in a smoking-room. He says he can very well be treated in any prison. He does a complete abstraction of his five secret hospitalization and major surgeries in emergency. The lawyer of Marcel decides to prosecute the Belgian state for impossibility of applying article 72, which gives to the judge of application of the sentences the mission of deciding release on paroles for health reason, in a fair trial, with a right to defence. PUBLICATION: Political and economical priority of health care in prison
January 6, 2009. Marcel spent 63 days to the infirmary, without right to the walk, just a smoking-room for the social contacts with the prisoners with the vegetable state. Dr. Proot negotiates the agreement of Marcel so he does not oppose leaving the medical sector, where he is the only diabetic prisoner without psychiatric problems. He offers him an individual cell in the normal sector, for the most dangerous criminals in Belgium. He gives him the right to leave it eight times a day, five for the relaxation room and three for open-air walks.
January 10, 2009. Thirteenth transfer. He in is sent 48 hours in an "observation cell", in complete isolation, without right to leave it, but with a bell in case heart infarction. He is woken-up 15 times per night to control if he is not dead.
January 11, 2009. PUBLICATION: Bell in prevision of a heart attack without witness
January 12, 2009. Fourteenth transfer. Individual cell, without bell in the event of heart infarction. Censure n°2 refused. The head warden Van de Candelaer threatens him of sanction, if he does not manage to make remove from Internet websites, to which he only have access by blackmailing his fellow-members. As Dr Proot, he indicates precisely what he wants removed:
- The announce of a public investigation on Dr Van Mol;
- The mention "attempt at murder" in reference to his medical care in prison and 89 violations of European recommendations.
January 13, 2009 PUBLICATION: The murder of Marcel Vervloesem will be turned into an euthanasia.
January 19, 2009. Fifteenth transfer. Suicide attempt n°2. He is brought back to the' infirmary, with prohibition to leave the cell. He disconnects his insulin pump and refuses all medication, but his adoptive son convinces him to live.
January 22, 2009. A disciplinary committee for suicide attempt and non compliance to censor. He had answered when advised of sanctions that his collaborators would make the report on Internet. He was banned during one month, to see any other person than the members of his family behind a pane, to telephone to any other person than his lawyer and to leave his cell or to go to mass. The priest of the prison and a prisoner alerts his partners that he is deprived of medication. Dr. Proot is on holiday, according to the priest, but he is in the prison on the morning of January 26, according to the prisoner. He saw his patient on January 27 and gave him back his medications. The Council of State raises the sanction the week after. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem, otage du droit à l'information
January 23, 2009. Sixteenth transfer. Four days of deprivation of medication. Kim De Gelger, the young serial killer, supposed like 100% of the serial killers having been object of denial of justice for abuse during childhood, murders babies, and then begins a hunger and thirst strike. He is imprisoned at the infirmary of the Bruges prison and Marcel is sent in to block 35 in a cell for three. PUBLICATION: SOS DR. PROOT: They take advantage of your holidays to torture Marcel to death.
January 26, 2009. The Ministry of Justice telephone to his lawyer to find a solution to article 72, according to Marcel !
January 29, 2009. Seventeenth transfer. Individual cell of block 35. PUBLICATION: Kim De Gelder prend la place de Marcel Vervloesem, qui est envoyé au block 35
14 February 2009. PUBLICATION: [1] Mail between the Werkgroep Morkhoven and the justice commission of the Dutch first chamber [2] Mail between the Werkgroep Morkhoven and the justice commission of the Dutch first chamber
The wound has bled continuously for 4 months. The state of his heart is alarming, according to the cardiologist.
March 3, 2009. Eighteenth transfer. Sixth hospitalization, but the first one not made in secret from his family. The surgery is carried out the following day. Four cardiac valves are cauterized in once, rather than two twice as advised. His foot is chained to the hospital bed, while the grins of death disfigure him. The only promise kept by Dr Proot is that the warders are outside his the cell and that he is allowed to sleep in the dark. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem: open-heart operations N°4
March 3, 2009. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem: successful surgery!
March 5, 2009. PUBLICATION: Chained in the hospital St John of Bruges... again!
March 13, 2009. Nineteenth transfer. Last nine days after the operation, he is returned in the cell "for diabetics", where he does not receive the food diet for diabetic. The doctors prescribed 3 months of revalidation.
On March 15, 2009. Twentieth transfer. Dr. Proot negotiates his agreement to grant him an individual cell in block 35. He there receives the food diet for diabetics.
March 22, 2009. A so-called professor comes this Sunday, whereas the Sunday visits are prohibited, and he insufflates him the idea of the euthanasia again.
March 24, 2009. PUBLICATION. De Clerck orders to finnish-off Marcel Vervloesem?!
March 25, 2009. The Minister for Justice appoints professor DISTELMANS of the Commission of Euthanasia, to decide the opportunity to grant him a pill to cause a deadly cardiac attack. He says he doubt Marcel will really try to kill himself... after two suicide attempt and as many hunder strikes! (réf.: KAB/LST/EB/2009 et PV71-KL-1523-AC)
March 25, 2009. Dr. PROOT negotiates with the Director VAN DE CANDELAER and the psychosocial service to transfer him in the prison of Leuwen, which grants more human detention conditions.
March 27, 2009. Twenty first transfer. Suspension of his drugs and care of revalidation. Marcel spends from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. (9 hours), handcuffed in a prison van, therefore a cage van, to be brought back to the prison of Bruges. The psychosocial service would have been opposed to the transfer. His cell had been given to another prisoner in the meantime. He is allotted a cell for two people for him alone, which makes sure that he will be transferred a twenty-second time. The 14 medications that have been prescribed to him for ten years are reduced to an ASPRO for his heart, a second pill for his cholesterol and third one of which no one knows anything.
March 29, 2009. PUBLICATION: Marcel Vervloesem: macabre dance starts again
April, 1, 2009. 200 kilometres in a cage van, for a deferred lawsuit. All are advised of the defferment, except the on who risked his life by coming.
April 2, 2009. Dr. Proot sees his patient and ensures him to have his insulin back, but not of the twelve missing drugs. A very small blood test taken the day of the infernal transfer would have shown he would be cured of all his diseases. Even his kidneys, which according to Dr. Vandecastelle, are 40% destroyed, would be miraculously cured and no more need drugs he had prescribed.
April 7, 2009. Under high surveillance. 12th days without medication. The prison "fears a suicide". The revalidation treatment is suspended for the Easter hollydays.
April 9, 2009. Publication of [1] Magic pills of Ministre De Clerck", [2] Negociation of health care in a Belgian prison [3] Protest to Prof. Dilstelmans of the euthanasia commission. Prison director tells Marcel that Court of the Application of the sentences will offer semi-freedom and an electronic bracelet… in a few months. His lawyer confirms.
April 12, 2009. Publication: Victor Hissel: a family drama that stabs the symbol of the fight against networks. No news of Marcel since three days.