Organe de presse  


Droit Fondamental


 Le Docteur Gagliardi et Giovanni Ristuccia , flabbergasted and scandalized


Italian NGOs treated as terrorists

The Delegation of SOS Antiplagio Movimento per l'Infanzia, presented by Doctor Giorgio Gagliardi and Giovanni Ristuccia, has discovered the dreary heaviness of the Belgian harassment of people who fight against organized paedophile criminality.

The event was covered by Belgian censor, while in Italy, the newspaper Corriere di Novara, made its major titles: Support for the man who denounces since 10 years, sexual abuse of 90,000 children - SOS ANTIPLAGIO IN BRUSSELS, VERSUS INTERNATIONAL PAEDOCRIMINAL NETWORKS.

Giovanni Ristuccia, president of S.O.S Antiplagio in Novara, represented the 21 Italian associations of the Moviemento per l'Infanzia federation. They ask for European laws adaptation to the evolution of organized criminality.

Doctor Gagliardi and he came to see Marcel Vervloesem, condemned for crimes he is medically incapable of committing and object of medical mistakes, which have failed to kill him twice in three weeks. The authorities want to close the Zandvoort file he discovered in 1998 and claim that Belgium would be one of the few countries in the world that has not been affected by this paedo criminal network.

The Zandvoort file is at the basis of Operation Koala. A Belgian citizen, identified by Interpol in 2002, was allowed to continue exploiting his until 2006. His Italian partner in crime was an important supplier of the Zandvoort network, according to the Italian prosecution documents. The owners of over 2500 credit cards used for payments to the Zandvoort network, were object of the Koala inquiry. It led to 2 million photographs of crime upon children, and a first massive arrest of 93 people.

Europe can no more tolerate the miscarriage of justices, which make it possible certain Member States to cover the sexual exploitation of children.

Doctor Gagliardi and Giovanni Ristuccia had passed two months of tests to obtain permission to meet him in prison. They came from Italy to find, at the expense of child protection, the traditional Belgian mess of administrative mistakes and embarrassed smiles.

They have discovered the metal detector allowing the entrance to the Bruges prison and have the capacity to amuse the visitors. Some can pass with a metal belt. Others have to take off their glasses, their shoes, their belt and they can only pass holding their trousers with their hands.

A little before, a warden asked Marcel Vervloesem information about SOS Antiplagio. He answered it is an Italian NGO who attributed him in merit to his fight against paedocriminality, the title of "children's defender."

Suddenly, Giovanni Ristuccia would have been inscribed on the list of persons allowed to cross the first door of the prison, but not the second one. Exceptionally, that door could only be opened for the people inscribed on a mysterious list, which is kept in the computers of the Turnhout prison, and not the ones of Bruges. Marcel Vervloesem and Giovanni Ristuccia had made the requests in each prison, according to the regulations imposed on terrorists, but the right of visit was denied.

Jacqueline de Croÿ, vice-présidente du Werkgroep Morkhoven, pour Marcel VervloesemDr. Gagliardi, maybe considered less dangerous, has been allowed to pass the door. He has noted amongst other, that Marcel Vervloesem is weakened and that he has shrunk. It is a consequence of dehydration, which causes the disks of the spine to tamp. Marcel has made a hunger and thirst strike to seek compliance with the constitutional rights of victims and witnesses of organized crime.

There is no medical justification for having imposed him boiling water, said Doctor Gagliardi. , which caused him such pain he could not drink the quantities that were essential for him. Boiling water on an empty stomach is a grandmother remedy against constipation or to lose weight, which is not to be imposed on someone who is in a hunger strike. It was, on the contrary, essential to give him water either at room temperature or fresh.

As Marcel Vervloesem has not been measured regularly, it will be impossible to know how many centimetres he has lost because of his action, and how many centimetres he has lost due to the lack of treatment. It is difficult to quantify the dysfunctions, amongst other things due to the sporadic deprivation of drugs such as insulin.

Doctor Gagliardi supposes that Marcel Vervloesem could still survive, but he is very shocked by the threat of an open-heart operation of the dysfunction of certain cardiac valves, in prison, and at a moment he is so weakened. It acts of a very complex operation, which requires the devices of a post-operative reanimation centre, which is not provided by of prison infirmaries.

The decision depends on Jo Vandeurzen, Minister of Justice and representative of the Belgian Flemish Christian Democrats. He had opposed the hospitalization of Marcel Vervloesem, according to the newspaper "Het Nieuwsblad", while this hospitalization was considered necessary by a doctor. He thus may have no qualms, in despite his Christian charity, to decide that Marcel Vervloesem has to die, or accept that his heart be opened on the operating table of a prison infirmary.

The Belgian authorities have managed to destroy 99% of Belgian NGOs that would not comply with the law of silence. They have misjudged the power of 21 Italian NGOs and clumsiness to affront their representatives, by aligning them as terrorists.

Site de la Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti Site du Werkgroep Morkhoven (3) 25 SOS-Bambini Site d'Alain Fauvage SOS Antipligio Novara Telephono Antiplagio Bambibi AncoraRCHF Droit parentaux Site personel de la Princesse Jacqueline

Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse: postmaster@droitfondamental.eu