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Dr Giorgio Gagliardi Giovanni Ristuccia, Pr��sident de SOS-Antilagio, d��l��gu�� en visite officielle par "Movimento per l'infanzia"

Marcel Vervloesem back in intensive care: Italy hopes to help him

Jacqueline de Cro��, le 1 novembre 2008

Incarcerated for crimes that medicine recognizes he is unable to perform, Marcel Vervloesem is hospitalized for the second time in three weeks. He is in a critical condition. His heart beat is very weak. His feet are handcuffed. Giorgio Gagliardi, medical doctor, psychologist and consultant for civil organisations helping victims who has visited him sevral times, will be arriving from Lumbardy to see him again. He wishes to meet the doctors who has treated him and those appointed by justice to do so, to clarify the situation, on the medical and technical point of view.

The Professor Gagliardi will come with Giovanni Ristuccia, President of SOS-Antilagio, who has been delegated on an official visit by "Movimento per l'infanzia" to meet Marcel Vervloesem.

This NGO, chaired by advocate Coffari, represents some twenty Italian organisations for child protection.

Giovanni Ristuccia has the mission to find a solution to bring justice to the 90,000 children victim shown in the Zandvoort file, which was discovered by Marcel Vervloesem in 1998.

He regrets the delay for the emergency procedure called nearly two months ago to the European court to release Marcel Vervloesem because of a health condition that equates his detention to torture. Will this delay cost him his life, or a leg?

Marcel Vervloesem has been denied several times of the insulin which is essential to control his diabetes. The rate of sugar in his blood went up and down, from 420 to 20% of the normal standard. Each time, he risked coma and heart attack.

He was also deprived of the care needed for water retention, until his skin broke and that the wound got infected. One persons suffering from diabetes is amputee of a lower limb every 30 seconds because of infected injuries. Over 50% of these amputations could be avoided, according to statistics.

The Department of Justice had already intervened to prevent a hospitalisation, yet deemed necessary by a doctor on the 5th day of the incarceration, according to the newspaper "Het Nieuwsblad".

The Minister, who represents the Flemish Christian democrats, did not, with all his Christian charity, find an electronic bracelet for Marcel Vervloesem, but he found one this October 27, for a former police chief of Antwerp, on the first day of his imprisonment. This police officer was condemned to 4 years of prison, of which 3 with deferment, for falsification of official reports, violence and racism.

The Hippocratic Oath stricly forbids any doctor to leave a person in state such, but requested to keep him in good health. The death of this man before the European court of human rights may destroy his surrealistic conviction, gives Belgium hope to extinguish the procedure before being condemned in a particularly sensitive file. Belgian authorities are already talking about sending him back to prison if he survives.

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