Organe de presse  


Droit Fondamental

Murder of a Flemish hero: Censure

Marcel Vervloesem is becoming blind, as a consequence of a hunger and thirst strike, to request the respect of his constitutional rights. He was sentenced to four years of prison for crimes which medicine recognizes he is physically unable to carry out.

The priority of the government is to get Belgium rid of man who exposed corruption covering the industry of children's sexual exploitation. The press has made the description a merry entry of Marcel Vervloesem in prison, to spend four comfortable years there to write his memoirs. The censure is applied manu militari. The police force of Turnhout intervened within three minutes, armed to he teeth, to stop the photographic report of an action in front of his prison.

Marcel Vervloesem has declined the offer of a couple, which had come the day before his imprisonment, to offer to hide him in Germany, then in France. He had no illusion had on his fate, following his 31 days hunger strike experience in 2005, for exactly the same request. Cardiac and diabetic, he had been awaked every fifteen minutes. It was for "to see whether he was not dead", had then explained the ministry of justice.

A thirst strike ensures blindness, because eyes need a lot of water. It also ensures the reduction in the quantity of blood. This results into a fall of the blood-pressure, a rise of the cardiac flow, and a rise of the sugar in the blood. It thus acts of an aggravated danger to a man who suffers from heart failure and diabetes. Nothing guarantees that the authorities would be reassured of releasing him blind, because his memory raises a problem.

Marcel Vervloesem denounced the paedocriminal network Zandvoort, with over a 100.000 pictures of crime on children. All the mothers of victim, who asked for justice while refusing to make concessions to the network, ended-up in prison, object similar miscarriages of justice.

When a man does not find d' another solution than an atrocious death, but probably necessary so that EU vaguely foresees to work on a solution that guarantee Europeans the respect of its own laws, the "intelligentsia" and the ministers speak about "blackmail".

The Werkgroep Morkhoven, association he founded to assist discriminated people, reminded the ministry of justice a complaint against X for no assistance to a person in danger, which dates from the 2005 hunger strike. It is expected to be treated in 2015 by the European Court of Human Rights, since there is no hope for the application of the law in Belgium in any question regarding corruption and child trade.

For symbol of the position of the Belgian government as regards of fighting organised crime and right to equality, its penitentiary authorities which granted a computer to Marc Dutroux, prohibited a typewriter to Marcel Vervloesem, who has showed connections between Dutroux and the paedocriminal network Zandvoort.

He was maintained in a prison without infirmary, but with a nurse who returns home as from 20:00 hours. Nobody was thus present during the night, for first aid in the event of foreseeable heart attack. The doctor did not envisage transferring him in a prison with infirmary, before the blocking of kidneys, which according to him should only occur on the 6th day. An intervention of the minstry of justice has managed to have him transfered him a day earlier.

Inadmissible behaviour of the King.

The King of the Belgians did not answer at the request of intervention, to make sure that no obstacle would be made to the visits of his closest friends and his doctor. They are on the contrary, objects of "new regulations", clearly with an aim of preventing they can see him again alive.

Nothing can justify that a sovereign do not ensure a request which returns in the order of the rights of a dying prisoner, or that he refuses to listen to the citizens of his country.

The newspaper "Het Laatste Nieuws" claims this morning, that Marcel Vervloesem would only make a hunger strike, which enables to foresee the announcement of a death in circumstances less overpowering for the King and his legal authorities.

Modifications of the prison regulations.

Jo Vandeurzen, Minister for justice, has forwarded the dossier to Mr. Meurisse, managing director penal establishments. He made sure that Professor Gagliardi, who intended to come to Belgium from Italy, only learns of the prisons regulation changes without his patient being informed, when he was at the edge of coma. It should cause to avoid that a foreign specialist, may testify of the disguise of a prisoner's murder, in a country of the European Union.

Marcel Vervloesem, who in 1988 had organized the first demonstrations for the respect of the right of the sick prisoners, was maintained in the ignorance of the new regulation, which obliges him to indicate those which he wanted to see. Formerly, it was of the prison to ask the prisoners if they wanted to see those which requested it.

He was advised of another new strange regulation for a catholic country: the interdiction of the prisoners to have visitors on the first Sunday of the imprisonment. He could thus not see his family on Sunday, first day of a serious risk of coma.

Marcel Vervloesem was also banned from any telephone contact with his collaborators and his lawyer before the fourth day of his hunger and thirst strike. He then telephoned, with a voice so weakened, that it was unrecognizable. He was still unaware of the new regulations.

Tears will not stop the fight.

The goal of the authorities primarily seems to impose him the maximum of suffering, to frighten his friends and collaborators. They have no intention to betray him in allowing that his murder harms the fight. They had been very afflicted by the first murder in 1998 their collaborators Gina Bernard, but have not abandomned the children.

Marcel Vervloesem gave his last telephone call as a free man to the vice-president of his association. As she told him she did not want him to leave, he answered:

- Courage: always carry on doing good work.

He is at the source of all the European laws to protect children from pornography, but these laws are not applied in the countries covered by the network Zandvoort. He sent a handwritten good-bye letter to his collaborators. He does not regret his 20 years of combat of paedo pornography and thanks them to have been at his sides.

Marcel Vervloesem will remain alive and respected in all the minds. Those who have participated in this crime, even just by refusing assistance, will never be more than vulgar assassins.

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