Jacqueline de Croÿ - 11 janvier 2009
Marcel Vervloesem, NGO director, was condemned for crimes physically impossible to carry out in his state of health, after having exposed the corruption that covers children's sexual exploitation. Dr Proot, his attending physician in the prison, had promised him eight outings per day, five in the relaxation zone for social contacts and three in open air. Someone obviously opposed it. He is isolated 24 hours a day, in what is called an "observation cell", without television and soon, without ink to write.
The absence of bell in the medical centres of the prisons is thus explained by the fact that they are meant to the districts of the prisoners in good health. The night warden, alone in charge of 30 prisoners, can only alert the ambulance. Prison nurses and doctors cannot indeed abandon their patients, to tumble down the stairs and break through the armour-plated doors to ensure the first aids in case of heart-attack.
Van Mol is a celebrity as regards snapping technique: the brain washing that
transforms the prisoners into vegetables or induces them to self-destruction.
He is assisted by the head wardens and the social service, so dehumanized
that some normal wardens try to relieve their victims. They turn their lives
into hell, taking into account their health, so as to destroy their claim
to human dignity. They hide a wave of suicides last December, which was kept
under the silence of censure. Death is so familiar to them that they are only
touched by its administrative consequences.
Bruges prison is intended to sanction prisoners above the terms of their sentences.
It is illegal, but as the only ones who protests are locked up, without right
to speak-out, it does not cause any problem. Marcel is a special case, but
not unique. Patrick Dewael, the ex minister of home affairs who covered a
case that implied the order of a Moldavian child for 1000 euros the night,
wondered last year, according to RTL, on "the opportunity of creating
a special prison for the most dangerous prisoners, such as Nizar Trabelsi,
often considered as heroes by their fellow-detainees".
Professional footballer, Trabelsi was sentenced to ten years of prison in 2003, after admitting he was preparing an attack against NATO. He was accused of having planed to murder Marc Dutroux, to justify his transfer in the high security district of Bruges. He denies these accusations and fell into the trap of the hunger and thirst strike, on December 18, 2008. He obviously had not imagined he was in the brainwashing section for prisoners in good health. He should now be physically sufficiently weakened to be crushed.
Vervloesem is the nicest man on earth, but he terrorizes the paedophiles of
the politico/judicial society. He has identified a French magistrate, on a
photograph where he is trousers down, with an 11 years-old boy. His brain
washing started with 32 days of isolation, in a cell without bell. They then
chose him for fellow-prisoner, an enormous man condemned for paedophilia,
kidnapping and violence, who says he is innocent. His version was credible.
He was so moved to be treated as a human that Marcel ended-up with an enormous
bodyguard. As the plan failed, they transferred him. They chose him a zombie,
who protested of the defect of care by spreading his excrements everywhere,
then by going to the toilet every five minutes and mumbling day and night.
The brain washing in prison is conceived for rebels, generally not very respectful of the law. It makes it possible to manufacture terrorists for the interests of the state. It indeed takes a very little to lead them to make a bomb attack, which is the latest fashion to divert the attention from delicate cases. On the other hand, brain washing of is made much more difficult, when the subject has spent his life fighting against the top of perversity, due to the fact that he cannot be surprised any more. Marcel Vervloesem makes the despair of Dr. Van Mol. He can kill him, but not brain wash him.
All was done put extra weight on his imprisonment, at the point to shock the priest of the prison. He had gone to see one of the prison directors to ask a little Christian charity, but this one, he said, had closed the conversation by raising his shoulders and saying: "oh… Vervloesem"! Even the social service plays the game of death with an absolute cynicism. Wendy Vervloesem had received the assurance that her father would have an electronic bracelet in May, but as he survived unexpectedly, this electronic bracelet would not be available before August. Now, this social service would have taken its month annual leave in Christmas, to justify to deprive him of his right to days out, and to ink for his typewriter.
The Court of Cassation, which had confirmed his sentence without explaining legality to eliminate the testimonies that clear him, has just released tens of prisoners imprisoned for human and drug trafficking for a fault of procedure. The proofs where there, but the Chamber of the committal for trial had separately heard the public ministry and the defence.
Marcel Vervloesem should have been released in December by the Court European of Human Rights. The Belgian authorities then decided of delaying tactics, by not sending the documents, so as to prevent that the higher authority may judge the legality of this imprisonment. The file transmitted is still incomplete.
Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse: postmaster@droitfondamental.eu