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Communiqué de presse
Stefaan De Clerck
The Driver of Stefaan De Clerk, Minister for Belgian justice, has barged in a street light, at the time of the inauguration of the new house of justice in Turnhout this March 19, 2009. The super BMW is slightly damaged and the street light is twisted. The Minister met the first magistrates who condemned Marcel Vervloesem to death, and those who will be charged to finish him off at the local prison. One of the magistrates who was opposed to this murder was degraded at a post of Justice of the Peace.

De Clerck orders to finnish-off Marcel Vervloesem?!

Jacqueline de Croÿ - 24 mars 2009

The doctors had recommended two open-heart surgeries, as soon the wound left by cardiac catetherism was healed. The surgery was done in one time, whereas the wound had been bleeding for four months. Marcel Vervloesem has three scars: a vertical one in the middle of the thorax, a horizontal one, a few centimetres under the vertical one and another on his right leg, all along a vein. His left foot has been shackled and chained to the hospital bed, whereas the grins of death where disfiguring him.

Ten days after the surgery, he was back to the prison of Bruges, in the non medical section, reserved to the most dangerous prisoners of Belgium. Since, the Minister of Justice plans to transfer him in a "more human" prison, at Turnhout. which is to say, without infirmary, where the insulin, on which his life depends, is not supplied regularly.

Meanwhile, Antwerp's Court of Appeal has deferred the judgement which has to dispossess him of his few pieces of furniture and curios, to pay the damages to his slanderers. The Court had decided of that date a year ago thinking he would be dead, but he was only in a pharmacological coma. The magistrates were in the situation not to know if they were going to condemn a dead prisoner or to dispossess his daughter Wendy of the few souvenirs of her parents. They also have to decide who will have to pay the court fees for calumnies of the uncle, as well Wendy' childhood friends, for eight formal complaints, rejected after one of them recognized that they had been paid 375 euros each to do so.

The hearing was held behind closed doors, since it was to reveal Marcel Vervloesem was between life and death. The judges felt that it would be psychologically negative for the young people to judge the damage at such moment. One had retracted his complaint by saying that he and his friends had lied under threat of remanding home for drug trafficking. They often came to ask Marcel Vervloesem again and again, to tell them his adventures, when he was trapping the paedocriminals of Zandvoort, to free missing children trapped by Dutch brothels. It was therefore psychologically negative to grant them of a reward, for given by a lie they will never forgive themselves, the weapon that Belgian Justice has used to assassinate a man they admire.

Director of the NGO Werkgroep Morkhoven, Marcel Vervloesem has discovered and forwarded to justice the Zandvoort file, with over 100.000 pictures of child pornography and torture, among which that of an underpants-less French magistrate. Marcel Vervloesem ended up in prison, waiting for the European Court of the Human rights to clear him of crimes which he was physically unable to carry out. The underpants of the magistrate were classed as national security top secret in France and in Holland. On the other hand, one of the magistrates would have said that the judgment had not aimed to kill him. Just to give him a good lesson, perhaps?

Marcel Vervloesem undertook the researches for the ONG Werkgroep Morkhoven, which led to discovered Temse/Madeira network. The Senator Brongersma (1911 † 1998) was part of this homosexual circle which had constituted his child porn collections as a game. In March 1998, at nearly 87 years-old, he discovered Marcel Vervloesem on television, who was explaining the market behind these pictures, who were these children whose childhood were stolen, and the sufferance of the parents of those who disappear. The old senator sent Marcel a letter saying he was transmitting all his "collection" to the German police force. He tried several times to commit suicide, and then obtained an assisted suicide, on April 22, 1998.

Marcel Vervloesem discovered the Zandvoort file, with more than 100.000 photographs of child pornography and torture, among who figure the underpants-less French magistrate. He ended-up in prison, while the underpants of the magistrate were classified top secret defence in France. Holland has treated the file the same way, because it include Dutch royal underpants too. This is the parade of regimes that differ from that of Hitler, only by a better quality of its propaganda.

Video Temse/Madeira, which led Senator Brongersma to suicide (Faits Divers - RTBF - mars 1998 - in French)


Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse:

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