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Maria-Pia Maoloni, torture d'une mère privée de ses enfants
Maria Pia Maoloni

Maoloni/Antonini case Decembre 2007

Silence, or you will not hear your daughters again

Maria Pia Maoloni has not had any more a trace of life of her daughters Fiona and Milla, since nearly 8 months. The Belgian legal authorities threats to ban her from all contact with them, as long as she questions their conduct, then invites her to retract her complaints for the sexual abuse her daughters.

"I always allow the paedophile father to see his child", had told her one of the judges. ,The little girls, aged  four and eight, are baring traces of rapes and mutilations, of which anal cracks and cut hymen. Their mother had discovered photographs of sown children sexes on the computer of her ex husband. It did not act of pornography, but of torture, the judge said.

Mrs. Maoloni went to seek help in Italy, her country of origin. Belgian justice condemned her for parental abduction, which the Italian justice will consider illegal, considering the absence of facts constitutive of such a crime. Meanwhile, Judge H., Member of the "Commission of Coordination of  Assistance to Children Victims of Ill-treatments" and of the "Ladies Circle", gave exclusive autority and main lodging of the little girls to that father, while waiting he answers of the mutilations the little girls accuse him off. But a annother magistrate, a woman who cannot manage since 2004 to go around the file, wheras she treats in a flash all international cases of terrorism and drug traficking.

On December 10, 2007, the Child Focus' "Hotline Team", who called Maria-Pia Maoloni "Sir", asked her not to forward her call for help on Internet. The difficulty, "for the good of the children", would be the control of the recipients, enabling to inform them all “if a solution is found". Whereas the children has disapeared in such circumstances, their mother had stupor to be thanked for her interest in child welfare!

On the following day, the Centre European of the Missing and Sexually Exploited Children, renamed "Missing Children Europe", answered not to be entitled to act on the field, but to send her call for help to Child Focus (with whom it shares their offices), so they can analyze it and see whether they are qualified in this domain.

But Child Focus only treats dossiers related to non organized and extra family criminality; abductions, abuse or sexual exploitation, but not of family violence. Its activities would summarize extra family abuse and non-organised sexual exploitation. Strangely enough should include a new branche: non-commercial prostitution and production of pornography by isolated predators!

This leaves the link between victims and justice. Mrs Maoloni soon received a convocation of the  legal protection of youth service, a booby-trap, since if she steps foot in Belgium before a Belgian tribunal finds at last time to free her from the parental abduction charges, she would be thrown in prison.

Taoufik Bensaida, director of the local service, accepted to meet the father and lawyers of the parties, but Child Focus was absent. He ensured to restore the contacts between the mother and the children by telephone the following day. But instead of hearing her daughters, Maria-Pia Maoloni was to hear Mr Bensaida retracting his agreement with the lawyers, saying she would not be allowed to speak to them for as long as she will blame Belgium's legal institutions and that she would benefit from his approval , if she retracted her complaints for the sexual abuse of her daughters.

The list of children maintained hostages in a situation of danger to their physical and emotional integrity since 1987, reveals a institutionalized technique, which raises questions as where did all these civils servant has learned its principles. Internet, so difficult to control, as Child Focus says, has indeed allowed to discover that in Flandres and Wallonia, as well as in Brussels, these institutions all use the same system to destabilize those in able to protect these children in danger, by openly contravening their fundamental rights.

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But these judges made a risked bet, since the collectors of photographs of children's tortures often trade them by the means of the Internet networks, therefore international, which thus is likely to leave Belgium, therefore of their jurisdiction. These ladies, who did not have time to consider a question of cut hymens to protect little girls from  men that they showed of rapes, could one day become international stars of the horror, which will make the joy of the Italian press, without the Belgian press not being able to silence the information.

Jacqueline de Croÿ - source


Quelques sources:

Je  vous envoie la lettre que j'ai écrite et que j ai envoyée à la presse en Italie.  Cela fait déjà 1 an que la presse italienne a fait couler de l'encre sur notre histoire.

Je souhaiterais faire connaître notre cauchemar, malheureusement bien réel, au monde entier afin que celui-ci sache que deux enfants ont souffert le martyr et qu'elles continuent encore aujourd'hui à subir l'inacceptable !!!! 

J'ai le soutien de plusieurs associations internationales en : Belgique (Fondation Princesse de Croÿ), Italie (Prométéo, Meter, SOS Bambini, ...), France (Innocence en Danger) 

J'aimerais que cette lettre, qui est un appel au secours, puisse servir à sensibiliser un maximum de personnes afin que l'on puisse m!aider à retrouver mes enfants et à les sortir de cet enfer ! 

Pourriez vous nous aider svp ? Je reste à votre disposition pour tout renseignement utile.

Merci de tout coeur!


Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 20:49:46 +0100
From: 110@childfocus.org
To: adriano70@hotmail.it
Nous avons bien reçu votre mail concernant Fiona et Milla, et nous l'avons lu avec attention.

Nous sommes au courant de ce dossier. De façon générale, et dans l'intérêt des enfants, nous demandons de ne jamais transmettre ce type de mail à d' autres internautes. En effet, is est très difficile d' arrêter ces chaînes d' e-mail et d' en connaître tous les destinataires. Il est  donc quasi impossible d' informer les personnes recevant le mail, si une solution est trouvée.
Nous vous remercions pour votre intérêt dans la protection de l'enfance et vous prions d' agréer l' expression de nos sincères sentiments.
Child Focus Hotline Team


Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:32:13 +0100
From: verlaine.berger@missingchildreneurope.eu
To: adriano70@hotmail.it
CC: delphine.moralis@missingchildreneurope.eu


En tant que Fédération, Missing Children Europe n'est pas habilité à agir sur le terrain. Notre rôle est de fédérer les différentes associations d'Europe, de les aider à se développer et de les représenter face aux institutions européennes.

J'ai donc transféré votre e-mail à Child Focus une ONG qui s'occupe des enfants disparus et sexuellement exploités en Belgique.

Child Focus va analyser votre e-mail afin de voir s'ils sont compétents dans ce cas-ci. Si ce n'est pas le cas, ils vous enverront les coordonnées de l'organisme pouvant vous aider au mieux dans votre démarche.

J'espère de tout coeur qu'ils pourront vous aider.

Bien cordialement,

Verlaine BERGER

Site de la Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti Site du Werkgroep Morkhoven (3) 25 SOS-Bambini Site d'Alain Fauvage SOS Antipligio Novara Telephono Antiplagio Bambibi AncoraRCHF Droit parentaux Site personel de la Princesse Jacqueline

Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse: postmaster@droitfondamental.eu

Silence, or you will not hear your daughters again