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Droit Roms Drasiaus Kelias Dossier Missing Savestin

Savestin, enfant victime de la corruption bulgare

24 juin 2010
24 mai 2010
22 mars 2010


(Tchoum... en construction)

Roma rights - Bulgaria

Crimes under the cover of NGO's

Jacqueline de Croÿ , avec la collaboration de Drasiaus Kellas et de Esperanzassociation - 21 juin 2010

A Bulgarian psychologist explains with great courage how a network of sexual predators was able to trap him, when he was a student. He tells how these people where making "genetic researches" in the gipsy ghettos of Sofia, under the cover of an NGO, and how the director of an orphanage let them abuse children.

It happened in Bulgaria, there where the right to equality shows children playing in ghettos. There where hundred of gypsies are crowded, whereas the non-gipsy citizens live in decent houses. They thus grow under the seal of the "ethnic minority", which is marked by the exclusion from the "ethnic majority".

A young gypsy was 24 in 2000, when he opened the door of an NGO in Sofia, dedicated to a help-program for the gypsies. He felt welcome for the first time in his life, in the family atmosphere of a home, where the director of the NGO lived. They offered him all he missed. They made his dream come true, when they paid his entry in the University to become a psychologist. He was only too happy to pay back the credit by working for the organization. He was employed as a model when they were working in the ghettos, or during conferences.

The nightmare started very soon after. Both the president and the director of the NGO offered him sex. He refused, very shocked. They pressed on him, by referring to his future. They had actually created a dependence on the perspective of a life unavailable to gypsies. He finally yielded, lost, by fear to be back in the street, of misery, and of an extra social exclusion.

The veil fell, as soon as the young gipsy was "integrated". He was invited to private parties of the members of the NGO. They had among them the doctor of a public hospital, who was paying the silence of gipsy patients on his sexual abuses. They would make comments such as: "The gypsies could be the best resource we have in our country – we should advertise and receive tourists for good and cheep sex".

The director of an orphanage was selecting gipsy boys to spend the holydays at the NGO, in despite of the recommendations of employees of this NGO. When the situation of danger was reported to the police, the director of the NGO lied to the inspector on the people who were really living in the house. He did not need any more to get away.

It is the story of hundred of thousands of children in institutions around the world, not only gypsies, but these people were only interested in gipsy boys. The main project of the NGO were researches on "genetic illnesses of gipsy ethnic groups", discovered by the president of the NGO. They needed gipsy blood. A Bulgarian doctor living in Australia was transferring money to the personal bank account of the director. The NGO would offer about 5 or 10 euros in medical attention, medicines or other, with strange explanation to the less erudite gypsies of the ghettos. The blood was collected in the worst conditions, on the streets, and then stocked in the fridge of the director, next to the food. Nobody knows what these maniacs really did do with it.

False charities are tens of thousands around the world and swarm on the Internet. Not all are fond of blood, but all are cheating the citizens. Protecting groups at risk may prompt the EU to ensure verification of the real activities of all the civil organisations, to prevent that the people who need of help may knock on the door of criminal organisations.


Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse:

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