Zandvoort/KoalaFrom Operation Hamlet to Operation Video Child
Jacqueline de Croÿ - 20/08/2006
Named after this Danish Shakespearian prince, the “Hamlet operation” was done in August 2002 simultaneously in Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark and the United States. Ten months earlier in Denmark, Dr Lloyd Alan Emmerson, a 45-years-old Danish chiropractor, was exchanging photographs of his 9 years-old daughter. Twenty-five members of an Internet criminal organisation called “Fun Club” were arrested, mainly fathers photographed or filmed with web-cams, as they abused their daughters, aged between 2 to 14 years. Dc Emmerson had a half million pédo- pornographic photographs and films. He pled not guilty, but was condemned to 30 years of prison.
The Belgian branch was judged in such discretion that no one was informed. Sixty-five children were supposed to have been rescued when in 2006, the Austrian postal police intercepted several video clips of paedophile pornography. An autistic little girl was raped by a man she called "Daddy" in the Flemish slang of Bruges. Her younger sister was "playing model", dressed in erotic lingerie. Interpol immediately identified Pascal Taveirne in the "Hamlet" files. Belgian law guarantees that an ascendant guilty of the rape of a child of less than ten years-old is sentenced of a minimum 17 years prison. It has obviously not been applied for Pascal Taveirn. His daughters did not get any protection measures, whereas one is autistic and all autistic children believe to have been confronted to death when they were babies, according to Bruno Bettelheim. They were four and five years old when the "Fun Club" was discovered. They were nine and ten on Operation Video Child day.
The criminal was arrested in full discretion. He had contacted by Internet Sergio Marzola {photo}, an Italian man living in Ferrare, webmaster and producer of child pornography, who gave him an appointment in a hotel of Bruges. He had been paid 250 euros to let his daughters filmed dressed in paedophile lingerie, 500 euro to film them naked and 750 euro for him to rape one of them. The Italian authorities and the paedophile network were informed on the spot. Sergio Marzola hastened to organize his emigration to his second residence Ukraine. The Italian police let him do under high supervision and phone-tapping, which had the advantage of being able to surprise him with his "bare essential", all packed up and intended to be sent on the first aircraft to Kiev:
He was arrested, suitcases in hands, this 11 August 2006. Suspected be the manager of approximately 30 Internet sites intended for the exchange of child pornography, Sergio Marzola earned from two to four hundred euro per transaction, for the modest monthly investment six hundred euro: a Web space at that cost, able to stand an important traffic.
The information, completely censored in Belgium, has arrived from Italy where people have been outraged of what has happened to the Belgian little girls, without Belgian people not knowing anything of what has happened. According to the Italian press:
Taveirne has explained that the last film had provided him in five hours more money that he could earn in two weeks work; his wife explained that the pédo- pornographic lingerie was similar to summer clothes and the little girls are both severely handicapped.
Belgium's behaviour is explained by the fact that, according to its authorities, the country would be the only one in the world where paedophile networks do not pass: there are just isolated predators who share "private collections" of child pornography with other isolated predators. There is one chance out of two that among the half million photographs of Dr Emmerson they are some of Zandvoort file, the connection making business being attached to the majority of the European rings. It not a "sufficient element" to order an inquiry in Belgium, as Zandvoort acts of an "individual" file, according to the minister of justice... with 90.081 victims!
Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse: postmaster@droitfondamental.eu