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Droit Fondamental


Official reports exposing the judicial sabotage of police inquiry on 3 branches of the Zandvoort/Belgium network

By Marcel Vervloesem - updated on Septembre 1, 2008

The NGO Werkgroep Morkhoven gave the first CD-ROM of Zandvoort to the officer Frans Tops of the Belgian federal police of Geel, on July 20, 1998 to 18:30 (statement. 100878/98). This CD belonged to Gerrit Jan Ulrich, of German nationality, domiciled in Zandvoort, in Holland. It comprises approximately 8000 photographs of children, classified in series of Arians and non Arians (white, black, Arab, Indian and Asian), by sex, age and category of crime: rapes of babies, children burnt with iron, pornography, naturism and "nude art". This sort of material is still qualified of "child pornography", but at the time, Holland did not punish its possession.

Ulrich, to reduce the sentence that he waited, asked the Werkgroep Morkhoven to fetch the remainder of his material. The mission was carried-out by Marcel Vervloesem for the NGO, two of Ulrich cousins and the Dutch television NOVA. This material comprises 88.539 photographs, as well as the banking documents showing that they were marketed via the Internet site "Apollo", whose access was costing between 130 and 1.630 American dollars.


The Belgian file was entrusted to Hermann Janssens, King's Prosecutor and to the examining magistrate Jacobs.

Tuesday January 18, 2000, at the request of the Prosecutor, Marcel Vervloesem of Werkgroep Morkhoven went to Oude Vaartstraat de Turnhout, to be heard about the CD-ROM transmitted seven months earlier at the European Parliament (statement 100173/00). Inspector Koen De Proost asked him all the elements discovered by the NGO', to carry out the inquiry requested by the European Parliament. 48 hours after having got his agreement, the Court of Turnhout advised Marcel Vervloesem that he would be prosecuted for possessing the child pornography in this material. This same Court will find him guilty of that in 2006, while at the same time, it assured that the dossier was empty, at the contempt of police inquiries that discovered three active Belgian branches.

The Werkgroep Morkhoven filed on March 4, 2001, a formal complaint of 17 pages against the X criminal organisations that appear in the Zandvoort dossier. This complaint resumes the researches of Marcel Vervloesem that led to the CD-roms, of which each point is documented by official reports, videos and articles published in the press. It has been completed by subsequent official statements, signed by Marcel Vervloesem for the NGO.

The Prosecutor Janssens and the instructing magistrate Jacobs will eliminate from the dossier, three police inquiry that took its source in the Zandvoort dossier, and have shown three international criminal organisations in direct contact with Ulrich.

X-KISS NETWORK: The Police Support service, 13 rue des Quatre Bras, box 1 at 1000 Brussels, has informed Prosecutor Jacobs in its letter ref.: a0091/610/99/329 ep. that the Dutch experts had identified in the ZANDVOORT file, Katrien De Cuyper, a Belgian young girl murdered in Antwerp, after a séance at the X-KISS child porn studio. The file was closed, under the pretext of a photomontage that presents her on the body of a boy, which is normal operation in the trade of criminal photographs. A biometric analysis carried out on January 28, 2004, confirmed the identification of Katrien, but the justice department refused to reopen the dossier.

CRIES 2001 NETWORK: The Werkgroep Morkhoven advised the Court of Neufchâteau on April 10th, 2001 (statement. 8.257/01), the presence Ulrich's address book, of Jacques Debouille, a grave digger exposed in the child porn case CRIES/UNICEF 1987. Six months inquiry led to four arrests on October 1st, 2001: Jacques Delbouille, who was hiding 15 cubic meters of child pornography, Michel Decré, a lawyer sentenced to 7 years prison in the 1987 CRIES case, Jacques Becker, a music teacher, and Dany Deversenne.

H. NETWORK: On June 6th, 2000, Inspector Moitroux informed the Court of Turnhout (note BR.37.98.7326/96.), that the searching carried out in a store Rue du Midi, in the hot districts of Brussels, led to discovered of a material identical to that collected by Ulrich. INTERPOL discovered a black line on each photograph hides a Dutch telephone number, which made it possible to order a film of the child, according to the statement 100607/00 of Rony Hens.

The official report 100470/03 of the inspector Yves Goethals of the "human trade" cell, says on December 23rd, 2003, concerning the result of the Belgian investigation on the trading of paedocriminal pictures as from Ulrich's residence in Zandvoort, whose evidences where forwarded 5 ½ years earlier, on July 20, 1998: "This task was seen as being almost impossible, because of the great quantity photographs and the fact that most of the photographs are already more than 5 years. Moreover, many Asian children are reproduced on the images."

Inspector Goethals does not mention the least element appearing in the Werkgroep Morkhoven complaint or hearing of the people who are exposed in it. He does not mention any of the investigations carried out by his fellow-members on the branches established in the three main regions of the country:

  • FLANDRE - ANTWERP: corruption of minor, sexual exploitation for the production of paedopornography and murder of a 15 years-old girl. (ref.: a0091/610/99/329 pe.)
  • WALONIA - NAMUR: resurgence of the 1987 CRIES/UNICEF ring and possession of 15m ³ of paedopornography. (Statement. 8220/02).
  • BRUSSELS, RUE DU MIDI: possession paedopornography, video trade via Holland. (Ref.: BR.37.98.7326/96 and statement 100607/00.)

The ministry of justice will pretend during 11 years that the dossier was without bond with that of Zandvoort, to justify the refusal of all duty of inquiry inherent to the initial complaint of the Werkgroep Morkhoven.

The examining magistrate Jacobs has prosecuted Marcel Vervloesem as a citizen and not as director of an NGO, on the basis of complaints that one of the plaintiffs said they had all been paid. He had him imprisoned, on the basis of three new charges from minors of age, also retracted by one of the plaintiff, who said the declaration had been dictated and filed under the threat.

The Antwerp Court of Appeal has followed the recommendation of Prosecutor Tack, to sentence him to 4 years prison under the charges of rapes of which his haert specialist proved he was physically unable to carry out. The judges denied 9 doctors' opinion who ensured that his health condition would enable him to survive prison. He was found guilty of having acquired the Zandvoort file "by perversity".

A few days before the imprisonment on September 5, 2008, Marcel Vervloesem, for the Werkgroep Morkhoven, has checked the Dutch telephone number discovered by INTERPOL in 2001, where the paedocriminal videos can be ordered, and noted that the number was still active. The X-KISS website, which was openly selling child porn in 2006, still offers such a service via webcam.

Marcel Vervloesem


On October 8, 2008, Jo Vandeurzen, then Minister for Belgian justice, answered the parliamentary question n° 7191 asked by Zoe Genot: "… these 20 CD-ROMs contain 88.539 unique images including 70% with a paedopornographic character. Fifty percent of the images are known of the Interpol data bank but no image has bond with Belgian files. [...] Marcel Vervloesem never wanted to make a statement about these Cd-roms. This information was closed but it was joined to the main dossier in which a final adoption was given as indicated here above"... thus to a death sentence that the Belgian Court of Cassation has judged to be legal.

This statement is constitutive in new fact, insofar as the minister recognized the bonds between Marcel Vervloesm's sentence and the initial complaint of the Werkgroep Morkhoven, from where the revelation of new faults of procedure. The minister indeed admits that the March 4th, 2001 complaint and subsequent official reports, signed by Marcel Vervloesem for the NGO, where joined to the "main dossier". The various tribunals have all-the-same refused to invite the ONG, the plaintive, at the prosecution of its own dossier, thus denying its rights de request duties of inquiries, on the exposed.

Who is afraid of Marcel Vervloesem? Certainly not the petty criminals, the grave-diggers, the music teachers or video traders who have nothing to loose, since they where judged and freed on the sly. On the other hand the civil servant, who eliminated the main elements from the investigations of police forces have no reason to appreciate the statement of the official reports which prove it.

Jacqueline de Croÿ



Site de la Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti Site du Werkgroep Morkhoven (3) ONG UNION Inscription News letter SOS-Bambini Site d'Alain Fauvage SOS Antipligio Novara Telephono Antiplagio Bambibi AncoraRCHF Droit parentaux Site personel de la Princesse Jacqueline Voir le site de Pédopitchoun

Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse: postmaster@droitfondamental.eu

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