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Carlo Giovanardi: Intrigues at the Italian Parliament and ZERO in maths

Jacqueline de Croÿ - le 16 juin 2007

Member of the Italian Parliament, Carlo Giovanardi rises against the vast mediatization given to the meeting of the European experts as regards sexual abuse on the children, organized in Milan by IAD Bambini Ancora. One child on six in Italy, thus a million children in ten years, was victim of paedophiles, affirmed the statisticians. Only one case is annually recognized by lot of 570 inhabitants in Italy, whereas one case is recognized by lot of 344 inhabitants in the United States. The percentage of American perverts is not higher than that of Italian: the difference between the figures is explained in the quality of information on the importance to denounce the cases and to look after the children, rather than to prefer the ostrich policy, in sight to save "the honor of the family".

The diffusion of such data is likely to feed a collective psychosis by multiplying the cases of indications of false abuse, has decreed Giovanardi, who is obviously bad in maths and good in intrigues. he asks the Parliament if the persons in charge for the association that has organised the conference are professionals to whom the legal authorities entrusted with expertises; which are, to the knowledge of the government, the bases of the data spread by this association; what are the amounts supported annually for the professional in charge and the consultations entrusted so what he calls the "so-called experts on the matter."

The word was given to the experts who agree with those of the World Health Organization (WHO), which affirm that 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 years would have undergone an imposed sexual relation or other forms of sexual violence in 2002. The 2006 United Nations reportaffirms that in 21 countries, developed for the majority, up to 36 % of the women and 29 % of the men were victims of sexual violences during childhood. Violence is hidden, not denounced and insufficiently listed says the report.

Often, the parents, who should protect their children, remain quiet if the act of violence is made by a spouse or a member of the family, a more influential member of the society such as an employer, a police officer or a leader of the community. The United Nations also dennounces "the invisibility of violence", amongst other things owing to the fact that there are no sure means or means inspiring confidence to make it possible to denounce it. In certain parts of the world, people do not trust the police force, the social services or the other persons in charge, according to the report, which is indeed the case in Belgium.

When data are collected, they are not always consigned in an integral, coherent and transparent way. In particular, there are only few data on violence in the institutions of care and of detention in the majority of the areas of the world because, even when the incidents which occur are known, the majority of the institutions are not held to record and reveal this information - even with the parents and the children concerned.

Mr. Giovanardi can now file a complait against Kofi Annan, then Secretary General of the United Nations, for having asked to give thorough consideration to this study and to the mechanisms required for following up and monitoring the implementation of the conclusions and recommendations it will adopt on this important subject, as he therefore had ...taken the risk to diffuse such data and feed a collective psychosis by multiplying the cases of indications of false abuse.

See: Report of the United Nations study on violence against children


Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse:

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