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Five years prison for little Nigerian princes

Six Nigerian little princes came from Nigeria, after having passed by Benin, maltreated every where they went. Michael, Samuel, Alice, Richard, Emmanuel et Valentin were aged from 2 to 8, when their family settled in Brussels, in 2001. They were immediately surrounded by the Nigerian branch of the Nihoul/Bouty ring, more famous for their DUTROUX branch, who had adopted Christian faith to trap them.

While the children were poisoned, tortured and prepared to prostitution by a sex brain-wash, a Doctor would calm the parents, by giving them sleeping pills, so that they could catch back during the day, their sleepless nights, spend cleaning the vomit and calming their children. Another branch of the network could then do all the possible trafficking under their names and swindle hem from their belongings.

I met the father, the main Yoruba King in Nigeria, after the Mafiosi tried to kidnap the three youngest children from my school, but had managed to sequestrate the three eldest ones. He could not stand straight so he was exhausted, in such a state that I brought him to hospital. It took 5 months and medical certificates attesting traces of torture on the children's bodies, for justice to decide to intervene, but by incarcerating the father. He was accused of the crimes I had denounced at the charge of the Nihoul/Bouty band, around his company.

Police officers came, officially for a house search, but also to take away the children, without a court order, the day the mother had taken a plane back in Africa, to prepare the birth of her seventh child. By chance, I was at their place that day and could take with me Michael, Samuel, Alice, Richard, Emmanuel and Valentine at home.

The father prayed day and night, in total isolation regime. His Faith in God is so huge that he is impossible to break. Justice lost all hope after two months, and recognised its so-called "judicial mistake". Meanwhile, Judge Wenseleers gave me the custody of the children, but in September 2002, she ordered to lock them in a sordid orphanage, without justification, against my will and refused to meet me or even to talk to me on the telephone. The little princes were aged between 3 and 9, taken away by total strangers, screaming of terror. They were kept hostage for 5 years, with a ban to see me again.

The judicial dossier was blocked by the code of the "State Secrets", in such a way that neither me, nor the police were able to access it. The criminals would have been impossible to find, though one had signed the receipt of a registered letter at his office. The State Secret was closed in secret under the motive of "defect of element", without asking me the address of a brothel in Brussels, where Michael and Samuel told me they were brought.

Jacqueline de Croÿ

NB: The little Princess Alice had gone to the hairdresser, when the pictures were taken. She has also been prisoner from age 6 to age 11, in a sodid Belgian orphenage, though she could, as her brothers, had lived a normal childhood at her parent's villa, or in my own home.



Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse:

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