Jacqueline de Croÿ - 14 février 2008
The Dutch Senate announces that a public meeting was accepted on February 10, 2009 to discuss of the tortures inflicted to Marcel Vervloesem, at the Bruges prison. The interest of Holland is situated at the level of the director of a Belgian NGO, knowingly condemned on the basis of an incomplete judicial dossier, imprisoned in waiting of the European Court of Human Right frees him, amongst other for having exposed to the international press "for his own pleasure", 100.000 photographs of pornography and torture of children he discovered in the Dutch town of Zandvoort.
The dossier counts Belgian children imported in Holland for prostitution. Belgium won't recognise the testimonies of a former victim and frontier runners of children on the Belgian and Dutch televisions that confirms it. It assures that Marcel Vervloesem would be "the unique criminal of an empty dossier". He was imprisoned at the prison of Bruges on September 5, 2008, with three metastases of a cancer still left without health care, in conditions which obliged to cut him off flesh and bones with gangrene; caused the need of two open-heart surgeries and is continuously incited to suicide.
The decision of the Dutch Senate was made following the threats of sanction of Marcel, if did not intervene to make remove from our Internet press bodies, the mention " attempt at murder" and the public inquiery on Dr. Van Mol, in his capacity as doctor responsible for the release on paroles for health reason. Marcel had then been banned from visits, of the confidentiality of his outgoing mails and of going to mass during one month.
The mail system: <benedettoxvi@vatican.va>: host[] said: 452 4.2.1 mailbox temporarily disabled: benedettoxvi@vatican.va
A prisoner has telephoned to alert us, on his own credit, of a serious situation of danger. He had tried to reach us by post, but his letter has only arrived only when he sent it at the address of a collaborator. He tells us of January 26, 2008:- That morning, Marcel was not well because he was no more at the medical department, and told me that without any more medical care, he was no more able to stand the difficulties of the prison, master himself. What can be done? Shout, howl? This requests rigorous measures, because he should not any more be left in this state. Thank you for him. He must get out of here.
Ironically, the Pope's email was hacked, "temporarily disabled", the time to go to the State Council of so that Marcel could go back to mass and see his friends again.
He has been waiting for SIX MONTHS an emergency procedure at the European Court of the Human rights, against an imprisonment comparable to torture due to his health condition. His lawyer warned the Minister for the Justice that he sees himself constrained to file a formal complaint against Belgium. The Belgian law, which gives power to the Application of the Sentences Court to release the seriously ill prisoners, is not applicable, because it misses the royal signature. Dr Van Mol finds Marcel fit for prison!
You can help Marcel to give him the strength to hold on by writing him a word or a postcard:
Marcel Vervloesem
C/O Gevangenis te Brugge
Legeweg 200,
8200 Sint-Andries-Brugge BelgiumWARNING: A pyjama sent by a Zandvoort victim to Marcel as a Christmas present was stolen before it reached him.
A financial support can help him. He has the possibility to have a tolerable alimentary diet, providing he can rent an electric stove and buy food at the canteen, which is not in his is actual financial position.
Account: IBAN: BE20 - 679-2005531-56 - BIC: PCHQBEBB
Mention: Marcel Vervloesem - date of birth: 7.10.1952.
WARNING: Any other indication will block your money, the interests for the benefit of the prison, until he is released… if he survives!
Radio silent: the seriously sick prisoners can die like dogs, between the service of the health care and the psycho social service which depend on the ministry of justice and not of health. The press supports the governmental blockings by diffusing defamatory reports on Marcel. It has never been seen in a prison, where in general, defamation is not necessary to talk about the prisoners. Even the wardens were shocked and they try to support him as they can. One of them told him that the defamations were positive because that means that the government is embarrassed. Another warden has advised him to be wary of the psycho social service, which is mainly used to keep control on the prisoners by preventing that they may find external assistance.
This February 12, the macabre comedy was indeed held at the psycho social service, which again incited Marcel to suicide, with a smile, exactly in the same way that has already failed succeed a half dozen times. At the end of 1 ½ month of holidays which had not made it possible this service to organise a penitentiary leave, they explained him having worked for one month (on holiday) to come to the conclusion that it was not possible to arrange, because the Antwerp Court of Appeal had not transmitted them the file, judged one year ago. The next stage is to refuse him a penitentiary leave because he was not previously allowed one before.
The real reason is that the authorities had not expected that Marcel could have survived and reappear, hair white, packed vertebrae and a voice broken by a few weeks of tortures. They try to set him back on his foot, but this fantastic voice is still broken, and testifies of the monstrosity to have imprisoned a man in such a health condition.
Marcel Vervloesem's murder
Mail between the Werkgroep Morkhoven and the justice commission of the Dutch first chamber
By chance, we came the very same day. Marcel remained of marble, with a tear in the corner of his eye. Each minute of the visit gives him strength to survive and he does not want to loose any by collapsing in the emotion. The tear had disappeared half way of the miserable time that is allowed for us to cheer him up, really not enough for someone who is so ill.
As the Belgian State does not have much imagination, they found no other solution than to withdraw his rights as a prisoner with the most absurd excuses. As a matter of fact, they are hidding this NGO director in the prison for the most dangerous prisoners in Belgium, and have even banned him from his right of visit... asked according to the regulation by least three journalists.
Europe is sick of laws which make it appear civilized, but that it does not give itself the means of having them applied. It has shining treaties which prohibit torture and protects the children, but the first one to have denounced the market of photographs of tortures on children is at his 21rst year of State harassing and his 162nd day of torture in prison.
Let us talk of Guantanamo, when the Dutch Senate has decided on a public debate on the tortures of a Belgian citizen, who has exposed the sexual exploitation children in Europe, before the Belgian Senate thought of it!