Fondamental |
protection of the youth of Mons was charged to frame and set up a therapeutic
guidance of Fiona and Milla Antonini. The elder child, showed their father and
paternal grandfather of sexual abuse when she was 4 years. But this guidance
consisted in cutting all contacts with their mother, giving the children back
in the hands of this father, then after nine months, to arrange "therapeutic
space" with a psychologist.
The first indication showing a possible link with the paedocriminal network Zandvoort is Frederic Lavachery, object of an international for his arrest, who had run "to assist" the mother, Maria Pia Maoloni, as he has done, to our knowledge, for six other victims of the same network. He excels in the field of spreading discord between the victims and to convince them to beware of one another, whereas union between them frees them from the network.
The second indication is that Maria Pia Maoloni was invited to consult lawyer of CIDE, the Swiss foundation directed by Georges Glatz who offered "political asylum" to the mothers, which enabled the fathers to have them sent them to prison under the charge of parental abduction and recover the custody of the child, who could thus be reintegrated the network. The system was founded at the time of World War II, said a nun to one victims, before she could imagine what awaited for her. Very important people had passed by their convent. No one knows who and if they have survived it.
Annie Harvengt, senior member of Ladies' Club, had
judged that the cut hymen of one of the little girls was not a sufficient element
to protect them, before the penal procedures that the examining magistrate Frédérique
Lefèbvre is supposed to inform on Rocco and Roberto Antonini, shown
by the children.
In accordance with the procedure setup by the network, Judge Veronique Laloux launched a European warrant for arrest of Maria Pia Maoloni, for child abduction for over five days. Italian justice destroyed these charges, by recognizing that only three days had passed at the time the mandate was launched, the trip in Italy of the mother and her daughters, thus not being constitutive of parental abduction.
The network having the press in hands, offers for the advantage to transform some of the magistrates into heroes. Frédérique Lefèbvre and Véronique Laloux have just sent eight alleged cocaine traffickers in prison. This should explain why one did not have time to inform the file charging those which Fiona and Milla has accused of sexual abuse, or the other to destroy the mandate against their mother, so that she can return to Belgium without being imprisoned pending the recognition of her miscarriage of justice.
Most extraordinary is to note that Mafia has allowed the arrest of inspector Gabriel Ekueta of the Investigation and Research Service (SER), who would have provided information to the traffickers, to allow them to prepare to police searching. What has happen to them, to allow locking-up such a useful cop by magistrates sufficiently impressionable to block the Maoloni/Antonini case? Was he becoming too greedy, or on the contrary, was he endangering their affairs? No one knows.
April 16, 2008, judge Annie Harvengt was supported by Sandrine Dehalu, substitute of the Prosecutor of the King in Mons. The maternal grandparents were asking the respect of their right to see their grand-daughters, but the magistrates opposed the request, demanding the mother's presence at the court, thus the application of Véronique Laloux' miscarriage of justice!
Last year, Sandrine Dehalu explained to the press that the services were overworked, the exceeded or inadequate structures...
Extract of Libre Belgique of April 25, 2007: "We are reduced to arrange wobbly solutions. Each time, it is a small delayed-action bomb." Sandrine Dehalu is substitute of the Court of Mons. In her diary of the day, between two audiences and meetings, there is a file of international abduction. But she found, despite everything, time to join her colleagues present in masses at the law courts. Like them, she compels what she can to clear the mines. With this recurring problem: the responsibility assumption. "One works more and more up-side down. At the limit, before starting, we telephone to the judge to know what are the possibilities."
Considering the number of international abduction accusation in the provincial town of Mons, one can deduct from this that overworked, these ladies were reduced to arrange a wobbly solution for Fiona and Milla, of which they have treated the file between two audiences and meetings. They then "worked up-side down", by telephoning to judge Annie Harvengt to know "what were the possibilities." Welcome to the Ladies' Club!
Stephan Durviaux, who has been temporary General Delegate to the Child's Right following Claude Lelièvre' retirement, explains one year of cut of contacts between the mother and the children:
"Following the investigations carried out at Mr. BENSAIDA, Director of Youth assistance, I am informed that the organization of telephone contacts between you and your daughters had been considered. However, because of the organized media interest around the situation of your daughters, the Director of youth assistance reckoned having to postpone these contacts in order to preserve their balance and their stability".
problem does not come from the Belgian media, but from the Italian media, which
the network has not managed to control. Indeed, the Belgian press never said
word of the case, though it covers the Italian press.
The interpretation of conventions of the human right and child rights in Belgium is explained by the fact that instead of choosing a solid lawyer as General Delegate to Child's Rights, Belgium chose Bernard De Vos, teacher, trained specialist of Islam and former director of the AMO "S.O.S-Young people/Free Quarter".
Bernard De Vos has worked two years for French Doctors, founded by Mr Kouchner, who has also founded another association, presently chaired by the famous French underpants-less magistrate. Let us hope that the new General Delegate to Child's Rights has not, without knowing, made not recommendable friends!
The foundation Princesses of Croÿ and Massimo Lancellotti and the Werkgroep Morkhoven are preparing a protest in Paris, gathering the parents, victim of Zandvoort ring. They will request from the Minister of Justice to ask the magistrate to answers of why he lowered his trousers before Nordine as he was only 11 and if he really has the qualities to run a tribunal of youth. They will also ask an inquiry to know why Lavachery was offered a paedo-political asylum, though he is under a Belgian international mandate of arrest.
Eighty French victims were recognized on only one of the twenty-one compact discs paedopornography commercialised in Zandvoort, Holland. It turned out that as France does not have the biometric programs necessary to the identifications: the expertises would have been done naked eye. The experts rejected the possibility of identification under pretext which they did not see of undeniable similarities, such as beauty spots!
The demonstration is expected to be hot..