Fondamental |
The underpants-less magistrate identified on one of the Zandvoort compact disc, with Nordine (11 years), appears to have a central role in the frame-up which prevented that the criminals of the network ever answer of what he calls himself a crime against humanity.
The 100.000 photographs of pornography and acts of barbarism on children appear to be just a blade reflection of at least the double of victims: mothers and fathers, who as soon as they started to suspect having a perverse around them, were grabbed in a spiral of violence, within the framework of a system which condemns them for crimes of which they refuse to be made accessory.
They are terrified until convinced to runaway, then condemned to heavy prison sentences for parental abduction. Children who do not know one another, who live thousands of kilometres away from one another, spoke of macabre dressed up ceremonies, with murders of adults. It probably acts of what is happening to the parents who have misfortune to leave their close relations speaking of a "change of identity".
Mothers, possibly hundreds, perhaps thousands, have been victims of rapes and violent beating. One describes an ordered collective rape, under the watch of a paedophile criminal from whom she was trying to protect her daughter. Their children constantly have "accidents". They have all been objects of shadowing, the most visible as possible. They saw unusual deployments of means, with cars and vans provided with antennas and video camera, as well as microphones in the hair dryer plugs. All was perfectly calculated to make believe that it acts of police services. No one imagining that it could be a scenario set-up and paid by the network, because the corruption of police officers is without doubt.
It acts of a contract, paid 250.000-euro, to terrorize the protective parent and those likely to help them. It is well paid, considering that should a murder be, it is executed by a band of psychopaths, but it is also rather cheap, considering that it saves the contractor from prison and allows him to continue the child exploitation.
The parent knocked at all the doors, but the only one who open their doors assure that the defect of assistance from the police forces acts of a political decision to protect high ranking personalities involved in the network. This is not so far from the truth: it acts of the political decision of psychopaths among these personalities, but not of the authorities.
An organisation, officially partner of the underpants-less magistrate and Child Focus, has offered a mother to go to Nice, in South of France, where she would get financial assistance to change her family's identity, so she and her children can to runaway in the United States. In other words, that organisation is offering false passports, but not false green cards to live legally on American soil.
"International Committee of the Dignity of the Child" - CIDE, was
founded by Georges Gladtz, member of the Swiss parliament and civil servant
of the Youth Protection Service. He would promised a "political asylum"
in Switzerland, where the psychiatrist Gerard Salem, president of the Commission
of Vaud of prevention of the ill treatments, who will be solicited in his capacity
of expert, to constitute a dossier as solid as roc. Several religious communities
in the same region would offer them food and lodging, which explains that the
victims have different experience, from the best to the worst.
and terrified, all the victims fall in one trap or another. They then become
object of international mandate, with order of immediate arrest for parental
abduction. They are then thrown in prison and deposed of their parental rights,
which are then given to the parent that the child has show for sexual abuse.
They are released only at their majority, destroyed as possible, in such a way
that it just requires blowing on them to convince them to renounce to ask for
Nuns and experts watched year after year, the political asylum refused to these women, in reason that they came from a democratic state. They have greeted these children, without ever advising their mother to return as fast as possible before the trap closed over them.
Georges Glatz and Gerard Salem and he have been just splashed by a scandal of child pornography in Switzerland, as experts, so nothing serious enough to send them in prison.
These legal truths that cost 250.000-euro
Any case bringing enough money can be treated in justice by the mafias. This includes cases without anything in common with the paedophile networks. This is the case of a wealthy old lady who lives in Brussels (Belgium). Her only daughter had asked that she be protected by a trustee, because she lives in Montpellier (France) and she has a very greedy uncle. The judicial administrator in the uncle's pocket, all her fortune is evaporating, without the judges managing to see what is happening. Should the uncle "convince" a judge to place the daughter in psychiatry after her mother's death, 250.000 euros is a cheap price to pay for a big benefit.
The Zandvoort judgements are preceded by anonymous phone calls of people who start the conversation by saying they are victim of similar facts. Slips in the conversation show that the anonymous interlocutor is informed of the content of the victim’s judicial file and knows the lawyer of the opposite party.
A judgement of the Brussels Court of Appeal could reveal that the lawyer of the opposite party writes himself the legal truth that the magistrates are to pronounce. They have ruled on a fault the victim had explained during the anonymous telephone call, but that was absent of her lawyer's conclusions. Marcel Vervloesem glued pages of his file with a dot of Typex. They still stick, showing they have never been read.
The majority of the magistrates who treat these cases are suspected to multiply the faults of procedure due to blackmail or threats, but without imagining the crime against humanity to which their underpants-less colleague refers, according to sources close to Scotland Yard.
Other judges raise serious questions. One notes by example, that the underpants-less magistrate, predator of the Coral network, is member of an association of the magistrate of the Supreme court of appeal, who did not see any fault of procedure in the fact of entrusting a child supposed victim of the same Coral network, to the custody of his father whom he shows of abuse.
All the victims of Zandvoort saw the main parts of their files disappearing. Mothers say they have been entirely dispossessed their belongings, reduced to the minimum living wages. Fathers say they have been thrown in prison, without understanding a word of what they were told, magistrates considering them likely to be "the head of a paedophile network".
A victim of torture from her adoptive father testifies of a cabal to put her under supervision as soon as she became major of age. The administrator would perceive her allowances, leaving her to beg for her living and refusing to prosecute the parents, partners in crime.
A mother says that 90% of the lawyers freak out, or forget capital elements in their conclusions. None of the victims she knows won the recourse to the European Court of the Humans right, in such a way she thought useless to try.
The French victims speaks about expertises made in violation of the French law, with only one expert who blaming them of absurdities during all the procedures. Several Belgian victims also speak about expertises presenting them as dangerous psychopaths, likely to have abused their child, which explains that these children would have shown the other parent because he or she would have been alienated.
A French mother says that the doctor of the prison had her interned in psychiatry after a suicide attempt. She was given such overdoses of drugs, that she ended covered of brown stains and oedemas. When she was brought back to the prison, the doctor told her: Oh... I never saw a bigger oedema! And as she did not take the drugs, he ordered that the drugs are injected by force. She was to leave prison in a state of vegetable. Not all have the strength to eliminate the drugs from their systems.
10 and 17 June 1998, Marcel Vervloesem member of Belgian association Werkgroep
Morkhoven, laid hands on 21 compact discs from a paedocriminal, who sold these
images on Internet. He hands over the first compact disc to the Belgian justice
in front of the cameras of the international person August 24, 1998.
Bernard had no experience, but the rage in her heart to help dismantling this
network. She gave the first compact disc of 8500 photographs to the journalist
Serge Garde and various international organisations, among which the CIDE says
Marcel Vervloesem sadly.
Gina Bernard was object of a contract identical to the one described by the mothers, victims of Zandvoort: shadowing, anonymous phone calls and her son run-over by a car. She was murdered on November 15, 1998, her car crushed without leaving traces of brake impression.
1999, UNESCO made a meeting of experts on the exploitation sexual of the children
and the child pornography on Internet. Federico Mayor, then general manager,
forgot to invite Marcel Vervloesem, but he named a pretty doll, Mrs. Sellier
the "President of the World Movement of Citizens to Protect Innocence
in Danger". The underpants-less magistrate had just settled in Geneva,
the branch of one of his many international organizations in favour of childhood.
Serge Garde, who has received the compact disc before November 14, 1998, started the Zandvoort scandal in France, only on February 24, 2000, in the newspaper Humanité. The French Minister of justice, who seems to suffer from terrible lapses of memory, called upon the nation, to obtain the compact disc that she had received one year earlier.
who suspected that their children appeared in the file were directed towards
the "World Movement of Citizens to Protect Innocence in Danger",
and not to the Werkgroep Morkhoven, which was able to bring them the parts likely
to show if their children had fallen between the hands of this network.
The CIDE had become a foundation of public utility. Among the seduction manoeuvres to raise trust, there is to give a convicting evidence, which will be destroyed by threats on the magistrate who will be in charge of the dossier. The CIDE, who collects the victims’ dossiers, possessed the denunciation of the Coral ring in 1982 by Jean-Claude Krief. It is illustrated with underpants-less magistrate, he identifies in full name with Nordine. The compact disc shows this photograph was bought by Brazilian magazine, which makes Nordine pass for a Latin-American child.
George Glatz gave copy of this document to Werkgroep Morkhoven, but not to Patricia Poupard, whereas the same declarations of Jean-Claude Krief reveal that she and her son could be victims of the same branch of the network. She will call the underpants-less magistrate to ask him for help, without imagining one second he was on same the compact disc as her son. He was gracious at the start, then said curtly: - Take a lawyer; write to the magistrates.
Mr. Bertossa, Prosecutor in Geneva, invited Patricia Poupard, by letter of request, to view on July 14, 2000 the twenty-one compact disks, without having received them from the Werkgroep Morkhoven. Marcel Vervloesem was then prosecuted for having possessed the first compact disc of child pornography given to Serge Garde and the international organisations by Gina Bernard-Pardaens. He had never intended to order his own murder or to give to Belgian justice a document in proof to condemn him, by giving these twenty compact discs outside a strictly official framework. He gave them on March 4, 2001 to the prosecutor Bourlet of Neufchâteau in charge of the Dutroux file, on the basis of new European law which required from the Member States to facilitate the handing-over of such material to the authorities. In consequence, Switzerland did not have these twenty compact discs on July 14, 2000.
Yet, Bernard Valadon, who ran an Internet site for the diffusion of articles on the paedocriminality, ensured to have had copy of the twenty-one compact discs. He made a detailed description of them, saying there were 77.000 pictures, including 8.500 in the first compact disc. He said he gave them to a magistrate in Paris. He seemed telling twaddle to make his publicity, but the victims of Zandvoort confirm that the twenty-one compact discs were indeed shown to them. One can thus conclude that there are two different files:
Interpol will define the difference between these files. The question are: where, when and how did this member of the Swiss parliament get these 68.500 photographs of crimes against the children?
The rush of the mothers occurred in July 2002, after a media plugging on a French mother expelled from Switzerland which was found murdered, stomach ripped at the French Swiss border. An execution, such as the children testifies, but the corpse highlighted to exacerbate terror. Men presented then themselves at the victims and did not have evil to convince them to flee.
As one must show he or she is persecuted to appear to be on the good side. Georges Glatz had a shoddy lawsuit, but compare the sentences and you will see who is who: 1000 Swiss franks for "complicity of kidnapping a child of less than 16 years". He had called Marcel Vervloesem to position himself as a martyr, but without telling him that they were victims of Zandvoort. He appealed the judgment and was cleared, the Court even stressing that he had acted "only for reasons more than honourable".
The Werkgroep Morkhoven discovered the Zandvoort holocaust only with the hazard of a research Internet, by a mother who called for help on a forum. Normally, their messages are erased, she says, which reminds our twelve sites destroyed by hacking in three years.
The parents did not understand why we had never spoken about them. Not a sole organisation has informed us. Belgian justice gave itself an insane trouble to make us believe that we had only abandoned children, or with mad parents who would attack us. Prosecutor TACK went up to explain that the Zandvoort file was a large empty bubble: a burst bubble. We did indeed see Internet websites showing a mixture of truth and forgery, which supported the runaway mothers, but without ever mentioning the Zandvoort network. These same websites had special pages to calumniate and insult all the people likely to help them, with a place of honour for Marcel Vervloesem and the Belgian Royal Palace. We believe that the mail to the King and the Queen concerning these matters do not reach them.
Frederic Lavachery, who used to contact all the victims, is regarded as the champion of the slanderers, since he accused the king to be a paedophile, on the basis of comparative analysis of the buttocks. No magistrate dared to claim that the King had shown his behind to Lavachery, so that he could compare it with that of the photograph. An international mandate was drawn up on him, but Frederic Lavachery was so sure of his protections, that he thought he could invite a princess of Croÿ to an appointment on the steps of the law courts of Brussels. Since, he benefits from a paedo-political asylum in France, where he lives in a house bought with the fruit of his calumnies on the King, without that it causes a diplomatic scandal.
Let us be clear: mafias are interested only in clear cut contracts quickly achievable and maximum money for minimum of time. They do not waste their time with ritual murders or with petty wars on Internet and anonymous telephoned threats.
Other people take care of that. They are conscious of making offences such as slandering, hacking and threats, which they find very funny to be able to do in total impunity. Some are possibly unaware of to be the kingpin of a mass crimes. Among them, a fat spotted woman married of a rowdy character who shaves from head to toes to sun bathe in a string; an old crow which says to suffer from a multitude of fatal diseases and has multiplied her identities, to make believe that a victim had murdered her daughter; a toad who believes to be a ox, and praised himself it have Internet sites destroyed, under pretext that he would be defamed; a motorcyclist who says to be professor and sends a photograph of his naked bottom with a road signal wedged between the buttocks. They are just caricatures.
A part of this rabble has launched a clear cut attack of the service of mediation of the European Parliament as regards international parental abductions. What did not seem to have any sense becomes clear.
If all the mothers who runaway by terror call the services of Evelyne Gebhardt, the European Parliament Mediator for International Parental Child Abduction, or her charming collaborator Magdalena Kleim to explain what has led them to runaway, who has promised what to convince them to runaway, where they are and at what price; the question will quickly be dealt at the highest European level. Their mission only enables them to take care of the mothers in escape abroad, but the Foundation Princesses of Croÿ and Massimo Lancellotti takes contacts with the European Parliament to study what can be done for the judged victims who live in terror, their children in the hands of the network.
Shame on you, magistrates, lawyers, journalist and guarantors of the democracy, who took part in that by closing your eyes! Now that you can no more claim to be unaware of that of what you were the tool, you will be the dagger that will cut the throat of the next father or disembowel the next mother; you will be the money which paid a dirt to rape the next women, so that psychopaths can continue their sick ceremonies. One of them boasts to cut 25 heads per year. Keep this to your conscience!
Parents victims of Zandvoort: listen to Marcel Vervloesem in video on the site. Never leave your country, but change area, so as to oblige your ex to pay a new contract of 250.000-euro, until it costs him or her too much.
Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse: postmaster@droitfondamental.eu