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You can keep control of your subscription to our newsletter in the addresses provided in this link in the Junior Tribune picture, with a simple mail that requires your confirmation.
Block the spamming and protect you from spoofing
Spoofing is a very common hacking used to cause trouble, to discredit the spoofed person by sending some vile message to the recipient. Unfortunately there is really no way to prevent receiving a spoofed email. The spoofers have the same mentality of the people who knock on your front door and then run before you can answer it. Many well-known companies are daily victims of email spoofing, either accidentally with a virus, or deliberately. Lavasoft, for example, is a common victim of email spoofing.
Some sects include a code in their spamming, which when you answer or forward the mail, you are automatically inscribed to other unsolicited mail. For this reason, please send the spam straight into the trash. They can also include a code that destroyed the automatic "junk mail"
function. You might thus have to use a function equivalent to "Create Rule from Message", which can delete from your server the mails containing specific words, or the names of the spoofers.
When you send us a email, please make sure you have deleted the names and email addresses of any alleged spammer/spoofers, otherwise your mail might be deleted from our server without going through our mailbox, and will not reach us.