Chlamydia is a venereal disease which is contracted only by unprotected sexual intercourse and whose defect of care can lead to the state of this man.
Child with Chlamydia:
CERTIFICATE OF DR LABARRERE-BANNIZETTE: The child (...) said to me: " When I played played football xxx a person put his fingers in my bumb, it was dirty, he gave me lots of kisses on the mouth. There was a lady in red she got cross. My dad came in and he got cross." 29.04.1997.
The NGO's of the underpants-less magistrate regularly gets subsidies from et EU Daphne Programme.
Danger inattendu du pédo chlamydia
Unexpected danger of the paedo- Chlamydia
Pericolo inatteso da pedochlamydia
Complete judgment, conclusion of the parties and very intresting CVs of magistrates in charge of the case on PEDOPITCHOUN.
Unexpected danger of paedo- Chlamydia
In the name of French people, the revelation of child's venereal disease is an attack to the intimacy of the private life of his/her father, decided Christian Riss, first president of the court of Appeal of Bordeaux.
Jacqueline de Croÿ, le 12 mars 2009
At the origin, a four year old little boy had explained to two doctors that at his father's house, a person had "put a finger in is bum and gave him lots of kisses on his mouth".
Prosecutor Bertossa (Switzerland) and Judge Ringot (France), had presumed that he was in the ZANDVOORT file, among the 90.000 children victims of child pornography and torture, but no one knows why. The investigation suffered a serious skid, when an underpants-less magistrate appeared among the pictures of crimes. France will close the ZANDVOORT file as a national security top secret, with prohibition to draw from it, which is comical for a magistrate's underpants.
Meanwhile, the court of Bordeaux had designated Claude Amirault, psychological clinician, who explained: "provocative plays with sexual set of themes in children from 3 to 5 years (girl or boy), are common in what constitutes even the mode of expression privileged for the accession of any subject to its sexual identity."
Judge Isabelle Loumaigne-Bruhat then entrusted the main residence of the child to the father. She forgot that the husband had left the marital home for another woman and pronounced the divorce at the fault of the wife. In 2001, the magistrates Lafossas and Guénard, who confirmed each if Mrs Loumaigne-Bruhat' decisions at the Court of Appeal, decided for the child's interest, that " the change of residence will be done, if need be, with the assistance of the police force."
Driven by fear, decided to go to Switzerland, where she was invited to ask for political asylum. Dr. Jean-Pierre Caretti of the Cernets-Verrières centre of first reception to the applicants to asylum, entrusted to the Brunnhof laboratory, analyzes which shows that this 7 years-old-boy had contracted a Chlamydia. It acts one of the most contagious venereal diseases, which is transmitted only by unprotected sexual intercourse. It can pass a long time unperceived, then to degenerate in a devastating way.
In France, 81 children were recognized on only 570 photographs of ZANDVOORT exposed in the police stations. The complete "collection" comprises 100.000 photographs, which let suppose up to 12.000 children victims in France, that is to say 0.6% of the French market as regards as paedopornography. The intimidations were such that at the opening of the lawsuit, there where only six parties claiming charges left for the victims. The file was judged on the basis of only one of 21 CD-ROMS, in absence of the formal complaint of the Werkgroep Morkhoven, the Belgian NGO which had exposed the file, and its 88.798 parts.
At the end of 2003, important restructure works took place at the law courts of Bordeaux. President Christian Riss will great Alain Reynal, the new Vice-president of the Court of Grand Instance. Reynal had honoured France as an instructing magistrate, when he thanked Loïc Ribault for having trained free of charges the totality of the French scientific police, by having him imprisoned "to protect him from the people he had contributed to accuse". He will be ruined by the usual judicial modalities of the network ZANDVOORT, in the ignorance of the danger to bring the evidence of its pets the culpability. Judges A.B. Baka, C. Bîrsan and M. Ugekhelidze had declared his request inadmissible by the European Court of the Human rights of Strasbourg. He died before arriving at the Court of Luxembourg.
Judge Jean-Pierre Brun, expert in "money laundering, organized criminality and most difficult cases", was dispatched in Bordeaux in February 2004. He launched an international arrest warrant of Patricia Poupard for parental abduction. She was arrested on 1ier April 2004, the famous analysis of laboratory confiscated by the prison. Not higher than three apples, leaped while shouting so loud, that she backed behind the guards that framed her, of fear that he would hit her. It was a most difficult cases.
Thérèse Peret judged her fists shackled, behind closed doors and without defence of a lawyer. She did not tolerate that the accused declined Prosecutor Fritsch as instructing magistrate again, as he had previously made a work-to-rule strike that had incited her to accept the solution of the political asylum in Switzerland. She justified preventive detention pretending she risked over five years of prison, though she did not risk more than two.
The day of the judgment, the shackles were removed for the press. Prosecutor Fritsch claimed one year of prison, of which a firm part covering preventive detention, matched of a setting period, for having "decided to make obstacle to the natural relations that a son must have with his father". Patricia Poupard mentioned the UN report that denounced the French sabotage of the ZANDVOORT inquiry. "This becomes indecent", had cut president Reynal, who will condemn her beyond the requisitions, to 18 months of prison, of which 9 months suspended, a 3 years test period matched with an obligation of psychiatric treatment, prohibition to leave France and prohibition to see her son alone.
Reynal will judge in 2007, Agnes, daughter of contractors, who where also exchangers. Raped at the age of 15 years, she was driven to "luxury" prostitution in the Bordeaux business world. The case included a dinner at the town hall and clients among journalists, doctors, footballers, etc. Reynal will sentence her to two months prison and 60.000 euros fine for procuring, whereas Prosecutor Anne-Cécile Dumonteil had required twelve months of prison, of which eight months suspended and 100.000 euro fine.
Thus, justice, according to Reynal, requested two months prison for procuring, but nine months for having tried to protect a child! Patricia Poupard will be maintained ten and half months in preventive detention, whereas the law did not allow that she could be kept more than four months. Her detention conditions were of such violence, that it will result to a handicap of over 50%. Judge Loumaigne Bruhat will choose the opportunity to remove her parental authority, with for sole justification, "so the father can take the necessary decisions for the education of the child without risk of intrusion".
Patricia Poupard could only get back the Brunnhof laboratory analyzes in 2006, after having filed a formal complaint against the prison. Since, she asks a motivated judgement on the superior interest of a child who had contracted a venereal disease at the age of seven, to be entrusted to the exclusive parental authority of his father, with prohibition to see his mother freely. The magistrates Loumaigne and Guénard were again in charged to oppose her request, as they have done constantly for ten years. Knowing that she just survives from minimum living wages for handicapped people, Guénard even contributed to a judgement condemning her to be deprived of legal assistance, for "abusive procedure".
Patricia Poupard saw Internet for only means of communicating with the people that condemn her by the voice of these magistrates. Three weeks after Judge Le Roux confirmed that she would no more be allowed the defence of a lawyer, her ex-husband filed a complaint in extreme urgency for "attack of the intimacy of his private life" on Internet.
Advocate Baudouin, ironically member of the "C.R.I.C.", Research centre, of Information and Consultation on the Rights of the Child, had, to support the complaint, aligned a series of judgements, at the exception of that which had cleared her client in absence of 88.798 parts.
Patricia Poupard is not interested in the underpants of the magistrate classified as French "national security top secret", but to the proof that she was fully justified to claim charges in the Zandvoort file. The "national security top secret" underpants cannot hide the reasons that Prosecutor Bertossa and Judge Ringot had, to believe that her son was in the Zandvoort file, thus drive her claim charges. She has paid to know why, according to the law, but France accepted her money, then refused her access to her own dossier.Chlamydia was at the honour in the urgent procedure, as well as the right to the defence of a lawyer and to be judged on the basis of complete dossier. The decision belonged to Christian Riss, who had made the newspapers headlines, as he took nearly five years to carry out the instruction for crime against humanity of Klaus Barbie. He also contributed to the rescue of the company Airbus from bankruptcy, by condemning pilots for a human mistake, allotted by the accused to a fault of design of plane.
Judge Riss swept all the requests of Patricia Poupard, as well as her son's venereal disease and decided in the name of French people: The moral wrong undergone by the interested (the father) not being seriously contestable, it can be allocated to him on a purely provisional basis an amount of 1000 €. The defendant can thus only be dismissed from all her counterclaims. He knows that she insolvent and ensures the ex-husband the means of putting hand on the heritages to which he will not have access differently.
Christian Riss thus refused her to rule that she cannot be judged for any question touching her claim of charges in the ZANDVOORT file, and by extension to the sexual offences whose her son was object, in the absence of the complete dossier. He dismisses her from her right to total jurisdictional assistance, to the designation of a lawyer and to the duties investigations to which the EU laws assure her.
These requests will be reiterated in the Appeal, the cassation, then probably at the European Court of Human Rights. Indeed, the Cour de Cassation also rejected jurisdictional assistance to judge legality of the judgement which deprives her of jurisdictional assistance. Morevover, the highest French authority shows on its Internet site, Philippe Guénard, in example of magistrate who can repeatedly dismiss the same people who expose facts of paedophilia!
Centre des CERNETS-VERRIERES (off site)