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Jacqueline de Croÿ - 18/02/2010

Judge Ringot ensures that the discovery of the Zandvoort case was exposed February 24, 2000, from the publication of an article by the newspaper "L'Humanite", ignoring the assurance from Jacques Chirac, on 21 April 1999, that he forwarded the case to Elisabeth Guigou. Judge Ringot gathered:

470 of 572 portraits of children made by police of Kennemerland in Holland from the first CD-ROM, to conduct search warrants. They had been photopia in the supermarket of the village of Morkhoven where the NGO was based and delivered in 1999 to Serge Garde, a journalist for "L'Humanité", by Marcel Vervloesem, who guided the investigations of the NGO Morkhoven.

A fragmented copy of the first CD-ROM, given to Serge Garde by Gina Bernard, assistant of the NGO shortly before her murder, on November 14, 1998.

The customer/staff files shared between the networks APOLLO in Zandvoort, CRIES Brussels and SPARTACUS in Geel, Flanders, and the address book Robby Van Der Plancken and given to Serge Guard by Marcel Vervloesem.
A second copy of the same fragmented CD-ROM delivered to the Swiss association CIDE by Gina Bernard, obviously also before her murder in 1998, which was brought to justice Geneva.

A third copy of the same fragmented CD-ROM issued by the association "Le BOUCLIER", whose president will also killed in by "falling in stairs".

It is most remarkable is to note that the instruction takes place only on a single CD-ROM of 8700 photos of torture, rape and child pornography, whereas the full dossier contains 93'081 photos, according to INTERPOL, which less the duplications, leaves 88'539 unique pictures, of which 70% are clearly criminal, according to the Belgian federal police.

All comparisons were "meticulous" research and "in-depth", according to Judge Ringot, for whom the 80 children identified on page 3, will become 81 children on page 5. Her "in-depth" research did not manage to let her spell the name of the author of the investigation that led to the discovery of the network and that Ulrich presented the first CD-ROM. Marcel VERVLOESEM becomes VERVLOESSEN. He would have made the first CD-ROM from the hard disc of a computer Ulrich during a "robbery", according to a very original judicial truth, as if he had not been more handy robbing the computer during the "robbery".

There is actually a will to seal the work of the ONG, famous in Flanders for its actions since 1988. VERVLOESSEN would have simply been the "president of an association investigating the disappearance of children," whereas he was the spokesperson for an NGO which had been one of the international media in 1998, when he presented paedocriminal networks of Temse in Belgium, Madeira in Portugal and Zandvoort in Holland.

The judge poses confusion between the brothers Van Gasselt. She attributed to a dead man the proprietary of the client /staff file shared by three branches of the network dismantled, CRIES, SPARTACUS and Apollo, who are still active through members who escaped from prison or who where released from prison. Petrus Van Gasselt recognizes the file used by his late brother, Leo van Gasselt, the lover of ULRICH, of whom he had made his sole heir and had died of cancer in 1997.

Another original, knowing that Ulrich was murdered by Van Der Plancken with the pistol Patrick Busquet, is the prosecutor Sottet, who is supposed to require the application of the law, could not hold any charge against him, e.g. for possession of firearms without license.

On page 5, paragraph 4, the actual number of portraits of children on the search launched by the police Kennemerland: 572. One understands that the dossier would have been sent to the trash, if on the 81 children identified and object of intimidation to drop the charges, 21 of these children had not been found by Serge Garde, thus protected by the press.

If this incredible withdrawal of case is a fabric of deterioration of the truth, one however can find in it the screen of the network, which we will invite you to discover soon.

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Editeur responsable: Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse:

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