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Valida Davila

Valida Davila est une maquerelle qui fonda en 1975 le réseau pédocriminel CSC ou "Chilhood Sensuality Circle", dont le siège social est situé à San Diego (P.O.B. 5164) en Californie (CA 92105 USA), sous le couvert d'un organisme de recherche, d'information et d'éducation. Le coût de l'inscription était de $25, pour rentrer en contact avec d'autres pédophiles et recevoir la brochure pédophile bimestrielle appelée "Newsletter", qui communique divers renseignements utiles aux membres. Spécialiste de la prostitution des petite filles qui sont fournies à raison de 100$ pour quelques heures, Valida Davila figure aux carnets d'adresse du réseau de Zandvoort, CRIES et Spartacus. Des photos pédopornographique de Yvonne (8 ans) et Tammy (9 ans), "louées" par leurs parents au réseau, ont été vendues au magazine hollandais Lolita, dans les n° 29, 30 et 31.

Chilhood Sensuality Circle, par Valida Davila

L'espoir - mars-avril 1984 - p. 10

Nous sommes un groupe d'adultes et de jeunes qui estiment que la sexualité de l'enfant fait partie intégrante de sa personne dès sa naissance, au même titre que le sang qui coule dans ses veines. Nous croyons qu'une grande partie de la misère et des problèmes qui caractérisent notre époque sont le résultat final d'une enfance dont on a réprimé les instincts naturels d'affection et à laquelle on a interdit la libre expression de sa tendresse et ses élans de sympathie envers autrui, qu'il s'agisse des autres enfants ou des adultes. Par des moyens non violents, nous oeuvrons pour la disparition du statut discriminatoire auquel les enfants sont soumis, afin que les enfants aussi bien que les adultes du monte entier puissent bénéficier des droits inaliénables qui sont les leurs en tant qu'êtres humains libres.

Vivre pleinement sa vie est sans contredit un trait acquis dès la naissance pour tout individu. Nous préconisons une libération complète des enfants, non pas qu'il s'agisse de leur attribuer le même statut légal qu'aux adultes, mais plutôt de leur fournir l'occasion de vivre tout ce qu'ils sont capables d'expérimenter en tant qu'enfants. Dénier ce trait inaliénable, nous tirions même ce besoin vital, à qui que ce soit à cause de son âge est un préjugé que nous appelons "âgisme", de même que l'on appelle "sexisme" la discrimination entre les sexes. Ce que nous demandons, c'est l'abolition de cette injustice: nous voulons l'égalité, non seulement entre les sexes, mais aussi entre tous les âges de la vie.

Le rôle primordial qui incombe aux parents, c'est d'informer leurs enfants dans tous les domaines et de leur proposer des modèles de comportement. Hélas, très peu de parents jouent à cet égard un rôle efficace dans le domaine de la sexualité. La relation sexuelle devrait être traitée comme étant une chose normale et saine dès la plus tendre enfance. Nous recommandons une éducation familiale très tôt dans ce domaine, dès que les enfants sont à même de comprendre; cette éducation doit leur donner une connaissance concrète et adéquate sur le fonctionnement de leurs organes sexuels, les moyens contraceptifs, la grossesse et la prévention des maladies vénériennes. Pour être complète, l'éducation sexuelle se doit d'inclure tous les aspects sociaux et personnels des relations sexuelles, tant pour les filles que pour les garçons, à tous les âges de leur vie.

Les familles qui reconnaissent à l'enfant ses droits et besoins naturels de libre expression et d'auto-détermination ne font rien moins que d'élever leurs enfants de manière à les rendre capables de donner un consentement réfléchi et bien averti à l'acte sexuel. Ce qui rend dès lors superflu le souci de fixer légalement un âge du consentement, qui ne peut être qu'arbitraire.

Les châtiments corporels (gifles, fessées ou autres sévices) devraient être bannis, tant à la maison qu'à l'école ou dans toute autre institution d'éducation: c'est une agression physique du plus fort sur le plus faible. C'est une des formes caractéristiques du patriarcat qui subsiste encore de nos jours. Si un adulte agresse un autre adulte, il est passible des sanctions pénales prévues par le code. Tant qu'aucune sanction n'est prévue par la loi pour les adultes qui infligent tes châtiments corporels à des mineurs, cela revient à encourager de telles agressions.

Tout acte imposé contre la volonté d'un enfant doit être considéré comme un abus de pouvoir, ou même comme un acte de violence si l'enfant est forcé par la contrainte ou la menace à faire des choses contre son gré. En revanche, quand des caresses sexuelles sont voulues et désirées de part et d'autre dans un consentement mutuel et sans qu'il y ait violence ou persuasion mensongère, la loi devrait reconnaître qu'il s'agit de tout autre chose. Nous encourageons hautement une vie affective remplie d'amour, où la frustration et l'agressivité, qui conduisent à la violence, n'auraient pas leur place.

Nous considérons les relations sexuelles entre des personnes ayant une grande différence d'âge comme n'étant ni bonnes ni mauvaises en soi: tout dépend des désirs des personnes impliquées dans la relation, de la satisfaction qu'elles en retirent, et de la manière dont elles s'accomodent des écarts existant entre leurs capacités. L'affection réciproque efface souvent les différences d'âge ou de degré d'autorité. Par conséquent, les enfants devraient être libres de choisir leurs partenaires selon leurs goûts et leurs désirs.

Nous oeuvrons pour que l'on accorde davantage de pouvoirs aux enfants, notamment en leur offrant le choix des lieux, des heures, des moyens matériels et de tout ce dont ils ont besoin pour mener une vie personnelle autonome. Bref, nous voulons abolir l'inégalité des pouvoirs existant actuellement entre les adultes et les enfants, afin que nul ne puisse abuser d'autrui.

La société ne cesse d'évoluer et de progresser, et les lois doivent être régulièrement revues pour s'adapter à l'évolution des attitudes sociales. Le respect de la vie privée, qu'il s'agisse d'intimité sexuelle ou d'autres aspects de la vie intime, est un droit qui devrait être reconnu à tout enfant comme à tout adulte. Les gouvernants et tous les autres pouvoirs constitués ne devraient intervenir que lorsque les droits des citoyens ne sont pas respectés. En conséquence, les enfants devraient être autorisés à demeurer là où ils se sentent en sécurité et respectés, là où ils sont appréciés et aimés, même si c'est en dehors de leur famille.

La recherche sur la sexualité et la sensualité de l'enfant, tant scientifique que profane, n'en est encore qu'à ses premiers pas. Théories, écrits, études et articles de toutes sortes suscitent actuellement un vif intérêt dans le public. Les organismes qui encouragent et qui participent à cette recherche apportent une précieuse contribution à l'évolution de la société dans un sens progressiste, ainsi qu'une aide irremplaçable aux parents, aux éducateurs et aux conseillers pédagogiques ou autres.


LE C.S.C. est un organisme de recherche, d'information et d'éducation. Actif depuis 1975, il a son siège social à San Diego (P.O.B. 5164) en Californie (CA 92105 USA). Le CSC édite une brochure bimestrielle appelée "Newsletter", qui recueille a l'intention de ses lecteurs divers articles sur les enfants, et qui présente diverses opinions pouvant affecter la vie de ces derniers. Dans le domaine de la recherche, nous pouvons mettre à la disposition de tous et de toutes une centaine d'articles parus dans nos "Newsletters", ainsi que des textes de conférences données par certains de nos membres ou de nos amis sur des sujets qui touchent à l'enfance.

Parmi nos membres, il y a des profanes et des professionnels qui prennent la parole en public ou qui publient leurs travaux. Beaucoup d'entre eux se font un plaisir de communiquer avec les autres membres, par téléphone, par courrier ou même parfois par des visites personnelles. Pour une somme modique, on peut s'abonner à notre "Newsletter", et une cotisation plus importante est versée par ceux qui veulent devenir membres à part entière et se consacrer avec nous à la cause de la libération totale des enfants.

Toutes les décisions prises à nos assemblées et à nos mini-conventions sont adoptées par consensus entre nos membres. Régulièrement remis à jour, notre programme (voir ci-avant) est proposé à la réflexion des personnes de bonne volonté au monde entier, dans l'espoir que les besoins spécifiques et l'immense potentiel créatif de la jeunesse de tous les pays seront un jour appréciés et pris en considération.

Henry's age
Barbara 10 14
Sheila 9 14
Andrea 9 15
Judy 13 21
Brenda 11 21
Florence 14 21
Gloria 9 24
Valorie 7 24
Donna 6 24
Patsy 8-11 27-30
Susan 9 28
Kathy 9 36
Tammy 9 41
Lisa 10 41
Yvonne 8 41


"My Life of Molesting Children", by Joseph Henry

Testimony of an Ex-Nudist Camp Manager Convicted of Child Molestation

On February 21, 1985 Joseph Francis Henry, a man who molested 22 girls, aged 9 to 11, testified before the Permanent Subcommittee on Governmental Affairs before the United States Senate, Ninety-Ninth Congress. In 1971 Henry was caught molesting nudist girls at the New Jersey nudist camp he managed, but charges were not filed against him by the club or by the girls' parents. This left Henry free to move to California where he became involved in the same child prostitution and pornography ring that Tim Wilcox was involved in. Henry took part in a treatment program at Patton State Hospital, the same program that classified Tim Wilcox as "unamenable to treatment" after four years of incarceration. What follows is the testimony of Joseph Henry, nudist and convicted child molester:

MR. HENRY: Thank you, Senator Roth. I'd like to thank you and the subcommittee staff for allowing me to testify about my life as a pedophile, my life of molesting children and the damage I've inflicted on my victims and their families. My testimony may be uncomfortable to some people, but it has to be that way because adults must learn to spot the Joe Henry's of the world. I hope no one thinks what I say here today is designed to win sympathy for myself. It isn't. Your sympathy must go to my victims-22 little girls, age 6 to 14-who I molested since 1949. They will likely carry these emotional scars for the rest of their lives.
I was born on Dec. 15, 1934, in New York city. I am now incarcerated in California, where in 1978, I pleaded guilty to four counts of committing lewd acts upon children. These children were girls between the ages of 8, 9, and 10 and were molested by me and a group of men over a period of several years. The father of the 8-year-old girl is also in California State Prison because he was renting out his daughter to members of the group for $100 a session. I was one of the men who paid $100 for his daughter.

[Chuck Hughes, the father, was a photographer who was very active in the nudist lifestyle, and whose work appeared frequently in the American Sunbathing Association Publications. and convicted on conspiracy and and child prostitution related charges for his involvement in this child prostitution and pornography ring.]

I was a lonely and asthmatic child growing up in New York City. I had few friends and was raised by my aunt and grandmother. I saw my father three times in my life. Except for my health and my loneliness, I would say I had a pretty normal childhood. I read books, listened to classical music, went to Saturday matinees and had my favorite radio programs, just like any other children.

As with most child molesters, I too, was molested as a child. It happened when I was 12. By the age 14, I was, again, molested by the man who lived next door to me, a man who always seemed friendly and approachable. I first came to him just as someone to talk to, but after a while, I couldn't talk to him unless I also let him copulate me. It was a time of traumatic tragedy, a time for my secret sex education that would lead me into this hell called pedophilia.

By the time I was 24, I had molested 14 young girls and had been arrested twice and sent to State hospitals, one for l8 months.
I used all the normal techniques used by pedophiles. I bribed my victims; I pleaded with them, but I also showed them affection and attention they thought they were not getting anywhere else. Almost without exception, every child I molested was lonely and longing for attention. For example, I would take my victims to movies and to amusement parks. When I babysat them, I would let them stay up past their bedtime if they let me fondle them. One little 8-year-old girl I was babysitting came over to my house one day soaking wet from a rainstorm. I told her I'd pay her $1 if she would stay undressed for an hour. This incident opened the door for 3 years of molestation.

I used these kinds of tricks on children all the time. Their desire to be loved, their trust of adults, their normal sexual playfulness and their inquisitive minds made them perfect victims. I never saw any outward emotional damage in one of my victims until 1971 when I was 36 and the manager of a nudist park in New Jersey.

I was able to see many children nude and grew particularly attracted to a 9-year-old named Kathy. I once bought her five Christmas presents. She was the first little girl I ever forced myself upon and the first whose molestation was not premeditated. I actually saw the trauma and the terror on her face after I had molested her. The incident made me leave the camp.

For the next 3 years, I was fighting all kinds of urges. I hadn't yet discovered child pornography, and I didn't want to just pick up children off the street. If I had not been under a psychiatrist's care at this time, I probably would have committed suicide. The doctor helped me with my hatred for my father, my fear of adult women, but he couldn't do anything for my urges towards little children.

Around 1974, when I was beginning to hang around 42nd Street porno shops in New York City, I got my first exposure to commercial child pornography. I got to be friends with one of the porn shop owners and one day he showed me a magazine that just arrived called Nudist Moppets . There were paperback books with stories of child sex, adult/child sex. The films in the peep shows were of men with girls, boys with girls and a few that looked like families together in sexual activity.
Eventually, I put together a photographic collection of 500 pages of children in sexually explicit poses. Before long, films started coming in and I bought a film projector.

I started reading some of the pornographic tabloids called Screw, Finger and Love, which were filled with all types of sex stories, ads and listings for pen pals. At least one of the issues was devoted to a pedophilic theme. In one issue of Finger, there was an ad about organizations that were devoted to sexual intimacy between children and adults. I wrote to three of them-Better Life, the Guyon Society and the Childhood Sensuality Circle. Better Life and the Childhood Sensuality Circle responded, so I sent in the membership fee to join them.

I was disappointed with the Better Life publication because it was a homosexual pedophilia newsletter and my sexual interest was girls. However, in the third issue, there was an ad that had a street number to write instead of the usual coded numbers. I wrote to them, and a few weeks later, I received a letter from a man named Lance Carlson. His real name is John Duncan, and he was a central figure in the child prostitution ring I eventually got involved in.

In his letter to me, Duncan wanted assurance I was not a cop or any other such person trying to entrap him. He also wanted to hear about my experiences, past or present. I wrote and said I wasn't a police officer. I also told him about Barbara, the first girl I molested and how I got interested in little girls. We began a long correspondence. This was in October of 1975.

Duncan began telling me about two girls he was molesting at the time, Tammy and Lisa, ages 8 and 9. He also sent me their nude photos. It was only after I successfully returned his nude photos that he began to trust me and get into very explicit details about his molestation with the girls.

I was desperate for friendship, someone who understood my obsession with children. My letters to Duncan ran as long as nine-typed pages. I would sign them, "A fellow little girls lover." I offered to trade photos. I even gave him my phone number, and he called me collect.

In February of 1976, I wrote Duncan telling him I planned to travel to California in the summer and would like to attend a "child sex orgy," and I would be very glad to pay for this privilege. I wrote him, "I want to assure you that I can keep my mouth shut." He began telling me so many things about Tammy and Lisa and implying they would be available for me if they liked me when I came to California. I began sending Duncan money and presents to give to the girls. Duncan also told me about a "cute blue-eyed blond." He was referring to 8-year-old Yvonne who Duncan said I would be able to have sex with for $100 a session.

I finally traveled to California on July 1, 1976. Duncan brought Tammy and Lisa over to my motel where I was staying. That day, I could not have the children alone to myself because Duncan had arranged for another member of the ring to molest them. Several days later, Duncan and I molested Tammy and Lisa in my motel room. Then we went to a nearby park where I pushed the girls on some swings. While we were there, Duncan met with Yvonne's father in the park and apparently was arranging for me to rent his daughter.

A few days later, after paying Duncan the $100 that we agreed would be given to Yvonne's father, I had this 8-year-old to myself for about 6 hours during which time I molested her. When I was unable to take Yvonne home that night because I didn't have a car, Yvonne's father phoned my motel room and said that since I was keeping her overnight, it would cost me another $100.

At that time, this was the height of my pedophilic experiences. It was a dream come true. After returning to New York, I wrote Duncan and described what the trip meant to me:

"I really don't know what I enjoyed the most of all the wonderful things that happened, there were so many of them to choose from. If it wasn't for all the photos here on my desk, I would think it was just a fantastic dream. I will always be grateful to you for taking me out of hell and giving me a brief taste of Heaven."

I recount those letters, Senator, not to appear sensational, but only to try and convey how deep my obsession was. I spent virtually every waking moment thinking about children I molested. This type of letter writing is very typical with pedophiles. Some pedophiles survive through explicit letters and the purchase or trading of child pornography because live victims are not always available. These letters were a release for me. They allowed me to relive everything with Tammy, Lisa and Yvonne. I wasn't sure I could go through with actually paying someone to have sex with their daughter. It was obvious Yvonne had been rented to several other men. The first thing she said to me that night that I had her alone was, "What would you like me to do?" The next day when her father came to pick her up, the first thing he said was, "Did you cooperate?"

You might wonder what are these children really like? How do they act when they are with a group of men who are molesting them? Truthfully, they are manipulated psychologically to such a degree that their facial expressions are blank, as though they are saying, "Just get it over with."

Do they cry or fight off my advances? Usually not. Remember, in the child's mind, they think they are as guilty as I am. They know other little boys and girls don't do this, so they must not be good children. They are overwhelmed with shame most of the time and simply comply with the wishes of the adult. Can you imagine what must have gone through the mind of little 8-year-old Yvonne as her father would deliver her to yet another strange man who would keep her for a few hours at a time, molesting her whenever he had the urge to do so?

One of my most vivid memories was of Lisa during my second visit to California. The second time I saw her, it was obvious someone in the group had brutalized her, possibly raped her. She told me she didn't want to be photographed and said several times, "Please don't hurt me. Just don't hurt me."

Yvonne's father is now serving a 14-year sentence in California State Prison. I understand from reliable sources, Yvonne may never be normal again.

During this time, 1975 and 1976, I was actively involved in the San Diego-based pedophilia organization, the Childhood Sensuality Circle (CSC), which I understand your subcommittee examined briefly in your hearings last November. I corresponded with Valida Davila, the head of the CSC, and did some typing for her. As was the practice with the CSC, Davila also put me in touch with other pedophiles. I can't stress enough that this group and others, regardless of their publicly stated goals, are in practice little more than contact services for pedophiles. These groups serve as a reinforcement for pedophiles and a constant source for new friendships and, thus, a supply of new victims.

By November 1976, I was back in New York when I received a phone call from a man named Eric Cross. Cross was a friend of John Duncan, and he said he understood I was looking for a woman with small children who would agree to marry me so that I could be a father and feel like an adult, not just to molest children. At that time, I had no idea who Cross was, but I later learned he was a child pornographer, publisher of Lolitots magazine and a pedophile with connections not only through the United States, but in several foreign countries as well. I understand he is now in Florida State Prison and facing a Federal trial on charges of distribution of child pornography.

I went to Los Angeles in the fall of 1977 to meet with Cross. For several nights, I met with Cross to look at child porn photos he was sending out of the country. Cross and I were at the motel examining photos of naked children that he was sending to a source in Canada. As we left the hotel one night, we were arrested. The police had to release me through lack of evidence, and I was able to return to New York, but some weeks later, I was rearrested in New York by U.S. Customs agents.

After my arrest, I learned that numerous other men had come to Los Angeles and San Diego from 1974 to 1976 to molest children John Duncan made available to us. Various motels and homes of two men were used as locations for the molestation. The children were also photographed during sessions with the men.

Although I did not participate in this, one of the men, I can't be sure which, apparently sold photos to the Dutch child porn magazine Lolita because in the Lolita issues 29, 30, and 31, there were shots of Tammy and Yvonne in various explicit poses.

I cannot begin to imagine the damage that was done to these children by what I and others did to them. Like the alcoholic, there is no known cure of pedophilia. The pedophile must realize he has a problem and wants help. That is the first step, and that's why the therapy I am now receiving at Patton State Hospital in California has played such a big part in why I am here today.
There are some lessons parents should learn from my story. First of all, parents should establish a kind of relationship with their children where they feel comfortable coming to their parents with any problem. I know that's easier said than done, but particularly in the area of child molestation, parents should emphasize to the child that he or she will never be punished for telling about such activities.

Parents should not be paranoid about their children having friendships with adults, but they should use common sense. Say for example, there is an adult friend in the family, a neighbor, a co-worker, someone from church or school, and they are lavishing attention on your children, like bringing gifts to them when they come to the house, offering to take them to the parks, ball games, that kind of thing, yet they don't do these activities with the parents or other adults you trust, well, that's at least worth questioning.

I know how uncomfortable that may sound. What I just have said may describe one of the closest friends some people have. It describes the relationships I had with my victims' parents, but the key is the true pedophile will want to be alone with your child, not just around while you are there, but alone.

Now, obviously, the other vital element in the equation is the child. If the child shows any resistance to being left alone with this family friend, maybe you should consider why. Maybe it's not just normal childhood fear of being left by his parents. That's why it's important for children to know they can come to their parents about anyone, even one who is mommy's and daddy's best friend.

No matter what is done, there will never be an end to child molestation, but if every State had a therapy program like Patton State Hospital, not simply prison, at least for the first-time offender, we may be able to turn him around so he will not again molest children.

It may occur to some here today to ask if I am able to calmly recount my history and take all the blame for these crimes I've committed, that maybe there is hope for curing pedophiles. I am here to tell you I don't know if that is true. All I know is that pedophilia is wrong. I know that in my gut, but what the future holds for me I cannot honestly say.
I thank you for letting me appear today.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: As you can well imagine, your story is one that is, in many ways, to all of us unbelievable and reprehensible, but I do want to say that in view of that, I also think it takes courage on your part to come here today.

MR HENRY: Thank you, Senator.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: And I hope this is a major step forward in your rehabilitation. In you final statement, you make two points that I think are significant about the relationships between parents and their children. You point out that parents should be concerned, particularly about those individuals who, for one reason or another, want to be alone with the child, that that's critical to the pedophilic relationship.

MR HENRY: Yes, Senator.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: And, second, you make the equally valid point that I think is worth underscoring; that in these circumstances, the parents should try to find out why a child may show resistance in wanting to be left alone with a presumed family friend. So there are two, I think, very worthwhile points to underscore. You mention in your statement, one child was being sold by her parent, a situation that is unbelievable and outrageous. The question I would like to ask you, do you think this was fairly true of most of your victims? Were the parents aware of the situation, or what? MR. HENRY: The victims I've had out there-excuse me, that I have been arrested for in California, it is definitely my opinion the parents knew what was going on because I paid $200 to Yvonne's father for the use of his daughter. When I went to meet Tammy's and Lisa's mother, John Duncan told me how can I explain another man to her? I know parents knew what was going on.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: You think in your experience most times they were paid or not paid. Were the parents aware of the situation?

MR HENRY: Yes, sir.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Was that true in the case of the New York victims?

MR HENRY: No, sir.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: In those cases, the parents were not aware?

MR HENRY: No, they were not aware, and on several occasions when they became aware, they just flatly told me to stay away from their children. Charges were never pressed in many cases because the parents did not want to cause any trouble, and that is another thing that has to be brought out to parents. By not pressing charges against a pedophile who molested your daughter, you are setting that man up to molest another child.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Yes, that's a very valid point; a very bothersome point. What role do you think child pornography has played in your life?

MR HENRY: With some pedophiles, it is a stimuli to have other victims. And in some cases, a pedophile will show pornographic pictures to a child. In my case, with still pictures, it helped ease the tension. With the films, it was a stimulant to seek and reestablish actual relationships with a child.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: You mentioned that in some cases, pedophiles will show pornography material to children. Is that to help justify the conduct and the actions?

MR HENRY: No, it is to diminish the child's resistance.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: To minimize their resistance by showing that this conduct is being done by others; is that what you mean?

MR HENRY: Other children.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: So that it's an acceptable behavior?

MR HENRY: If a pedophile wants a little girl to do such an act and she says no, he can show, well, this little girl is doing it and show her a picture.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: So there is, in your judgment, a direct link- -

MR HENRY: [interposing]. Definitely.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Between child pornography and a pedophile promoting his conduct with a child?

MR HENRY: Yes, Senator.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: You said you joined the Childhood Sensuality Circle, a pro-pedophilic organization in San Diego headed by a woman named Valida -

MR HENRY: [interposing]. Davila.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Valida Davila. Tell us a little bit about this group and the role it plays in putting pedophiles in contact with each other.

MR HENRY: When Davila answered my letter, she sent me an application form to send out and told me to make four more copies, Xerox copies, of my application and mail that with $25 for membership. I later learned the other extra copies of the application were sent to different pedophiles and in return, I got copies of other pedophiles' applications, and then it was up to me if I wanted to correspond or not.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Is that organization still in existence, as far as you know?

MR HENRY: I understand it is temporarily suspended because the San Diego County Sheriff's Department confiscated Davila's mailing list. As far as I know, it is mostly out of business.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: What about other organizations, are you familiar with any others?

MR HENRY: I know of one; it's in Boston. The North American Man-Boy Love Association. There is the Rene Guyon Society. There is another society I just heard about called Wonderland based on Lewis Carroll's pedophilic tendencies.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Let me ask you this: Do you feel this kind of organization plays a significant role in encouraging child molestation? Is there are large underground community of pedophiles- -

MR HENRY: [interposing]. Yes, there is.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: [continuing]. That encourages- -

MR HENRY: [interposing]. Yes, there is an organization in England called PIE, Pedophilia Information Exchange, and you can get contacts all through the world with them.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Are you saying to me that you can go to any large community and be put in contact with people -

MR HENRY: [interposing]. If you know who to contact, yes.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: So this is a fairly substantial underground promoting this activity?

MR HENRY: Yes, it is, Senator.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Let me go back for a moment to your victims. Are you familiar with what has happened to any of those young children?

MR HENRY: I heard they were having treatment in a child center in California, my three victims here in California. One of my victims was my cousin Patricia who I had molested over 3 years. They are all adults now, but I understand Patsy has come completely reversed in her personality that she was as a child. She is now a cold, frigid woman. She cannot establish any long relationship with an adult male, and I definitely base that on molestation of her when she was a child.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Do you think your molestation as a child was a factor in your adult behavior?

MR HENRY: To a certain extent, yes, but it is my belief that my childhood sweetheart, in not playing doctor games, led to my fixation of wanting to see little girls' vaginas.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Did you ever photograph the children you molested and then later traded in exchange those photographs?

MR HENRY: Yes, Senator.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Is that a common practice?

MR HENRY: Yes, it is. Some pedophiles exchange photographs of children they have known.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Did you ever secure child pornography from abroad or send any pictures to magazines or publishers abroad?

MR HENRY: No, sir; I did not.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: Let me go back for just a moment to the therapy at Patton State Hospital. How do you think that has helped you?

MR HENRY: Through the group sessions with other pedophiles, I have come to realize the problems I have had in growing up are common with a lot of other pedophiles, and during the groups, we discuss various problems that we have and we relate. The staff of Patton has helped me get over my fear of talking to adult women. I now feel equally with them. It has brought up my ego. My low self esteem is higher now. Those are some of the basic traits of a pedophile. He has low self-esteem, low self-worth.

CHAIRMAN ROTH: I believe that's all the questions I have. I hope you will continue with your rehabilitation and continue in your efforts to find ways and means to correct the situation that you have so vividly described.

MR HENRY: Thank you.


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