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Le Commandant Zarmaev sera torturé à mort par les belges, pas par les Russes Commander Zarmaev will be tortured to death by Belgians, not by Russians
Il Comandante Zarmaev sarà torturato a morte dai belgi, non dai russi

Commander Zarmaev will be tortured to death by Belgians, not by Russians

Jacqueline de Croÿ - 8 avril 2011

The European Court of Human Rights is "too overworked " to handle the request filed April 4, 2011 to save the life of the Commander Arbi Zarmaev, a Chechen warlord, but it responded within hours the following day to suspend his extradition requested by Russia.

Amnesty International considered that the commander Arbi was unlikely to receive a fair trial in Russia, where "he might be tortured." His "EU-fair" trial has found him guilty of stabbing that the victim, another Chechen, attributed to an Albanian man. His detention was extended for 16 months beyond his original sentence, in view of an extradition that was finally ruled illegal. The humane conditions of detention guaranteed by EU allowed shackling his hands and feet behind his back, until the chains open up his flesh to the bones.

The Minister of Justice gave him access to health care, provided that he could walk to the infirmary hands and feet shackled on his bones and flesh. He now forbids his release in reason of the report of a psychiatrist who found him a "persecution mania" and has his wounds disinfected with narcoleptics. Minister Declerck forbids the commander's right of visit from his family and children, but allowed him to rent a TV!

Dr. Gagliardi, professor at a school of specialization of doctors and psychologists, met with Commander Zarmaev at his request this April 5, 2011, in the framework of an evaluation of his psychophysics condition. He does not believe that a hospitalization in a psychiatric ward is necessary, as the minister De Clerck claims to have the right to dictate.

In reading the report of a real expert, one wonders how can a prison psychiatrist, with such limited specialisation that he disinfects wounds with neuroleptics, also manages to buy a luxury car...


Psychophysics evaluation of Commander Arbi Zarmaev
Dr Giorgio Gagliardi - Tuesday, April 5, 2011

We arrived at the prison of Bruges shortly before noon with the representative of the foundation Princesses de Croÿ and Massimo Lancellotti and NGOs Morkhoven; Imrat, the representative of an MEP mandated to enter all prisons and Ayndi and Khedi, the brother and sister of Commander Arbi Zarmaev. A new lawyer, Terence Halsbergen and then the lawyer he knows, Thomas Gillis, followed closely behind.

The prison director, Jurgen Van Poeck, arrives. He starts a discussion with the lawyers and allows them to the visit. The lawyers explain that I come to see Arbi to assess his psychophysical condition, at his own written request. The director controls my identity card. I tell him that Khedi will be the interpreter, because Arbi only speaks Chechen, Russian and a little Dutch, which I do not understand. Another discussion begins because Ayndi and Imrat also request their right of visit. The director explains that Arbi does not want to see his family because he has lost his reason. He said that the European mandate is not valid without the authorization of the Minister of Justice.

Shortly after, a person arrives and presents himself as the general practitioner, who is appointed as physician to Arbi and he will show me his medical records. We enter the prison with lawyers. We arrive in the section "AIBV. The doctor and a nurse put me in their study. The doctor tells me that Arbi has arrived to the prison of Bruges from the prison of Hasselt:

"He arrived in a normal state but with very deep wounds and a lot of pus caused by shackles", he said he had began to treat. He makes me see that the depth of injuries is of more than one centimetre with the space between his thumb and forefinger. I asked: "the bones are visible then?" and he answers in the affirmative.

"Arbi came from the prison of Hasselt with CLOPIXOL treatment, but he was violent and started treatment of ZYPREXA 10 mg per day."

The doctor told me that Arbi has injured himself at the head and at different other parts of his body. He said that his blood tests were good. He showed me a urine test done to look for drug metabolites: the result is negative and the creatinine level is normal. He said he eats and drinks normally. I asked what his weight was, but it was not found in the file.

We left the medical study. The guard opened the cell door in which there is a peephole in the shape of a small window and that is lined with bars.

I see Arbi dressed in a blue overall, which covers his body, his hands and his feet. He is shod. He sits on the bed in a foetal position, with his legs raised that he swings from right to left. After several minutes of swinging, he said in a voice loud and clear that he wants to talk only to Thomas Gillis. He gets up, he walks up and down the corridor that runs along the bed, swinging his arms, and then he approached the bars.

There was little light. He has a long beard that frames his face. I do not see any scars or injury to the skin of his face. I see that he has sunken eyes, wide open and that he has a fixed gaze.

He waves his arms, not haphazardly, but in a movement that accompanies the direction of his steps. He speaks a language I do not understand and I ask what is he saying. The lawyer translated that he wants to see his family and that the director agrees to it. A guard goes to fetch shackles to take him to the parlour, but he does not want the shackles. Then, according to the translation, he asked a belt, not from the police, but in the apartment. He speaks with Thomas Gillis, without verbal explosion, always waving his arms.

The current diagnosis is that in the neighbourhood of the AIBV, Arbi goes from ordinary states of consciousness (SOC) to states of altered consciousness (SAC) by which he enters in a conditioning that resembles to a self induced "trance".

His words are spoken at the full power of his lungs (he wants to see his family; he refuses the shackles, etc.)... There are other sentences we do not understand, such as "not the police belt, the apartment." His gaze is constantly fixed. The movements of his face follow his speech. He is not violent and has no automatic behaviour.

I tell the director of the prison that the "AIBV" regime has provoked a state of confusion and he replies:
- He is afraid of extradition;
- He does not speak with his lawyer when he comes;
- He is always alone, (which in this case is a repression) and then he goes into "trips" to be in peace, until he has thoughts evoking negative emotions.

The doctor tells me that the psychiatrist, who changed his medication, has diagnosed a state of confusion.

The brother of Arbi, who has seen him for the last time on March 28, thus eight days earlier, said he was mentally normal and shaved. He witnessed bruises on the face (possibly hidden by the beard) and on the body, deep holes in the ankles and wrists and a long wound on his right arm, in which a tube had been sewn.

NOTE: The Dutch word "apart" happens to be translated by "apartment" or "a part". The request of a belt "apart" is likely to be a request to be belted "a part" or at several levels in order to get around without shackles on the bones and raw flesh of his ankles and wrists.

I am positive that a change in the regime of life may allow him to recover and be reintegrate quickly into his family and social environment.


Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse:

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