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Alikhan Dadaev Alikhan Dadaev  
5 anni di prigione a un ceceno per aver pizzicato il deretano di un albanese mafioso !  

5 years in prison for a Chechen who stung the bottom of an Albanian mafiosi!

Jacqueline de Croÿ - 19-05-2011

Alikhan Dadaev is one of those political refugees from Chechnya, admired for his phenomenal strength, his culture and wisdom. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison for having stung the bottom of an Albanian mafiosi, though the stinging exhibit has disappeared from the file.

Alikhan was celebrating his 30th anniversary with a friend on July 4, 2009, close to his home at the "Harry's Place" in Ostend. The bar-owner is Drekai, a 32 years-old Albanian, who was sentenced eight times to prison, including for rape. The Albanian has never integrated, say the Chechens: he does not even speak Flemish. We do.

Alikhan was chocked by a fight between Jamie, a 26 years-old Belgian woman, who was refusing Drakai a prostitution "job". "Nobody will touch this woman if she does not want," said the chivalrous Chechen. Furious, Drekai jumped with a knife. Alikhan barred his heart with his arm, which was deeply cut, but it spared him a deadly wound. The noise woke Khamzat, the little brother of Alikhan, who saw sliced arm by his bedroom window, called the police and rushed to rescue him. He could hardly believe his ears when a policeman told an Albanians not hesitate to call them "if the Chechens were doing troubles."

Alikhan was taken to the hospital to suture his arm. Khamzat called the Chechen community to find a solution and protect Alikhan from the Albanians, until his wound was healed. They asked Jamie to file a complaint. She replied that it was more dangerous to come into a police station than to keep silent, because the police let the Albanian free of doing reprisals. The prosecutor indeed refuted the need to request the enforcement of the law for pandering and attempted murder.

Drekai has reopened his bar the next day as if nothing had happened. Two days later, on June 6th, he pretended to want to make peace with Alikhan, but scarcely had he turned around the corner, he shot him in the kidneys. Khamzat, just 18-years old, saw him aim at the heart of his brother and projected himself to serve as human shield. The second bullet scheduled to reach the heart of Alikhan injured the leg Khamzat.

Five Albanians came out of "Harry's Place", all armed. The Chechens have disarmed one of them with bare hands, before the arrival of the police and ambulances. The police recorded the Albanian weapon. They searched the Chechens, to see that none were armed, but they refused to search the Albanian, to seize the weapons they had hidden in their jackets. The prosecutor has requested the application of the law for the attempted murders against Alikhan and Khamzat, but not for the illegal carrying of weapons by the Albanian Mafia.

The burgomaster of Ostend has closed "Harry's Place" for three months, so as to ensure that nobody would takes the place of the Mafiosi during time of his detention. Drakai was released in three weeks. Since then, the Albanians do not miss an opportunity to threaten the Chechens: "the next time you'll have a shot in the head, not in the leg," they say to Khamzat. They point a finger at him, pretending to shoot him each time they cross him in the street or whenever they pass in front of their house. Police answers to the Chechen complaints "to call if they have trouble", but do not answer when they are ask if they will have to wait until one of them is killed.

The Albanians always start the fight in the same way: they get out armed in front of the Chechens, who have to disarm them with naked hands. It is thus extremely dangerous. Normally, they are always bringing the weapons at the police, but considering the danger and the refusal of justice to intervene, Alikhan found no other solution than to keep one, only for defensive purpose. He never bought a bullet, but kept the ones in the gun, after he had disarmed the Albabian owner... with nacked hands.

What was bound to happen has happened on April 2, 2010. Drekay, free despite his three attempts to murder, was sitting in his car and showing a gun, threatening Alikhan, as he passed by. Alikhan drew his own weapon and fired at the car door, downward, not to touch any vital organ, then he went to escape from the bullets of Drekai.

Ironically, the judges found that the Albanian had three arse holes, including the one which nature gave him. The doctors have indeed extracted two bullets of his buttocks. They would have found the impact of a third bullet that would have touched the bottom, yet not penetrate it.

We discover with amazement that the third bullet has disappeared from the file. Knowing the Belgian justice, this presumes that the bullets extracted from the bottom of the Albanian were not fired with the same weapon as the one that stung his buttock. As there was just one impact on the door of the car, the bullet missing from the file is likely the one shot by Alikhan, hampered by the door, which has thus only made a sting.

Unfortunately, the government chose to persecute the Chechen to cause revolts. They hope to justify the construction of "special prisons for prisoners who are very dangerous," with an emergency legislation to break men of exceptionally strong constitution. This explains how Alikhan, a learned, hardworking person, without criminal record and who speaks five languages, was sentenced to 7 years in prison for "attempted murder", while he is deemed, at the worse, to have stung the buttocks of a Mafiosi who has tried to kill him twice. Drakai has possibly had his own bottom shot to get rid of the Chechen, who is prohibiting the forced prostitution of the girls. He has still not been tried for his three attempted murders, by stabbing and gunshot, targeting the kidney and heart, not by stinging a buttock.

The Court of Appeals acknowledged that a Chechen warrior can not imagine killing anyone by shooting him in the bottom. The judges reduced the sentence to 5 years in prison for "aggravated assault". They "justified" the severity of the sentence on the grounds that Alikhan would have acted "according to Chechen traditions, without taking account of the Belgian law."

"We never heard anything so ridiculous," said Magomed, who is 24 years old. "All these criminals would dead and buried long ago if we had used our old laws. We are well aware that we must integrate, but the conflict started because we can not tolerate a woman being forced into prostitution. We gathered money to restore the small mosque, but the money was stolen and the mosque was closed. What can we do better than bringing the police the guns? Why do they do that?"

The last hope to free Alikhan is the Court of cassation, but nothing is ever sure in Belgium. There is also a possibility to re-open the case for a new element, which allows requesting a ballistic investigation to determine if the bullets extracted from the bottom of the Albanian come from the weapon Alikhan.

In June 2010, Khamzat opened the door expecting to see the postman, but he was stabbed twice, obviously by an Albanian. The police said they could do nothing. The prosecutor did not find useful to require the application of the law. There has not even been an investigation.

In December, Drakai and his younger brother, came out, armed with a knife and a baseball bat. Drakai stabbed Khamzat in the back, then his cousin to the liver, while Drakai's little brother stabbed their best friend. The three young men were taken to hospital, two in critical condition. The attempted murders were filmed, but the Albanians were left free.

Now the Albanians have not only the right to kill the Chechens, but the Interior Ministry gives them the police assistance. Four days ago, they came out armed in front of the Chechens, who must defend themselves with bare hands, as usual. The Ministry has sent the canine unit, which by the regulation, proves a premeditated action of the police. They sent an un-muzzled dog to attack Magomed, rather than the Albanian attackers. He had no other choice but to push his fist into the mouth of the dog to avoid being bitten. The police then jumped to beat him. They broke his two hands, his nose, his teeth and gave him a score of batons on the head. They have then locked him ten hours in a cell without water or food, with a radio set at maximum volume to increase the headaches caused by batons.

- What can we do, asks Magomed. Nobody likes us. The Russians do not want us. Nobody wants us. Where can we go?
- NO: we love you. We want you to stay!


Fondation Princesses de Croÿ et Massimo Lancellotti - 10 Rue Faider - 1060 Bruxelles - Belgique - Droit de réponse:

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